Upper Body Archives - The Betty Rocker https://thebettyrocker.com/category/upper-body/ Adventures in a Healthy Lifestyle of Awesome Fri, 28 Oct 2022 20:24:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 Low Impact Upper Body Strength https://thebettyrocker.com/low-impact-upper-body-strength/ https://thebettyrocker.com/low-impact-upper-body-strength/#respond Mon, 31 Oct 2022 11:00:24 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5070951 Get ready to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with this fun low-impact workout. Today you will be...

The post Low Impact Upper Body Strength appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Get ready to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with this fun low-impact workout.

Today you will be guided by Coach Neesha from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach.

PRO TIP: To get stronger, your muscles need the amino acids you get when you eat dietary protein (including protein in your meals, or in a protein shake), that must be broken down before your body can use them for all the essential jobs they do.

I like to use Rock and Restore my essential amino acid formula, which is  immediately available for absorption, and can be used more quickly by your body.

This will help you rock your workouts, build lean muscle, recover faster, boost your immune system and improve cognitive function!

Now join Coach Neesha and let’s get right into this awesome workout!

If you’re looking for more workouts like this all planned out for you, the Rockstar Strong Challenge in Rock Your Life is perfect for you! Follow it up with Rockstar Strong 2 to really build on the momentum and strength you’ve gained!

Start your 30 Day Trial today!

Low Impact Upper Body Strength

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: weighted objects (dumbbells, water bottles, jugs or other), optional elevated surface
Format: 3 rounds for prescribed time/reps.

Circuit 1:

Down Dog to Push Up to Plank with Slow Mountain Climber (1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position on your mat with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, a flat back and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Send your hips up and back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the mat (bending at the knees is helpful for tight hamstrings).
  • Shift back into a tall plank, bend your arms and lower yourself toward the mat for a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a braced core and flat back, push yourself back up to a tall plank.
  • Brace your core and perform slow mountain climbers, alternating driving knees in towards your chest. Maintain a flat back, without lifting your hips, and keep your gaze neutral.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.
  • MOD: Complete the push-ups with your knees on the mat or complete the entire sequence with your hands planted on an elevated surface (bench/couch/chair) instead of the mat.

    ” 1.5 years doing Betty Rocker Workouts! I was doing random internet workouts before discovering her.” -Hope, Rock Your Life Member

Triceps Kickbacks (8-12 each side)

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body with a flat back, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Draw your elbows up and back beside your ribcage and perform tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps.
  • Keep your elbows beside your ribcage as you bend your arms and repeat the kickback from a hinged position for max reps.

Wide Rows (8-12)

  • Begin by standing tall, core braced, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) and holding a weighted object in each hand, palms facing your body.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle, keeping core braced and back flat. Allow your weighted objects to hang beneath your chest (without rounding your shoulders forward) and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Using your back muscles, draw your elbows up, out, and back, squeezing between the shoulder blades.
  • Maintaining the positioning of your body, lower the weight back down with control.
  • Repeat this sequence for max rep range.

Circuit 2:

Hammer Curl to Bent Arm Lateral Raise (8-12)

  • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing your sides.
  • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend your arms at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights until your arms are bent around 90 degrees, and, keeping your ribcage down and core braced, lift both arms out to the side to shoulder height, maintaining a bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Slowly bring your elbows back to your sides with control and extend your arms to your sides to come back to the starting position.
  • Repeat this sequence for max reps.

Bird Dog Crunch (1:00)

  • Begin in a tabletop position on the mat with your shoulders stacked over your hands, knees under your hips, and a flat back with your wore braced.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg while squeezing the glute of the extended leg, keeping your core braced and hips level.
  • Draw your right elbow in to meet your left knee as you crunch your torso and contract your abs.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg once more before returning to your tabletop position and switching sides.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Keep both hands on the mat and extend just your leg behind you and crunch it in below your body.

Reverse Plank Hold with Walking Plank (0:45-1:00)

  • Begin by sitting on the mat with legs outstretched and place your hands a bit behind and outside of your hips. Fingers can be facing forward or angled out.
  • Keeping your shoulders back and down (not allowing them to roll forward or collapse towards your ears) press away through your hands and feet, squeezing the glutes and bracing the core to lift your hips and bring your body into a straight line.
  • With control and minimizing any lowering or shifting of the hips, lift your right leg and bend it, planting the foot on the mat closer to your pelvis so that the right side of your body resembles a reverse tabletop.
  • Lift your left leg and plant the left foot beside your right foot so that you are now fully in reverse tabletop position.
  • With control, lift your right foot then your left foot to extend back into a reverse plank.
  • Continue repeating this sequence, alternating on which side you start for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform this with your hands or elbows on an elevated surface and/or remove the walk and perform a reverse plank hold.

Be sure to check in today and let me and Coach Neesha know how you liked that workout. Always looking forward to hearing how you’re doing, and any questions you have!

Enjoy a FREE bottle of protein with every workout bundle (your flavor choice!)

The Workout Bundle contains the spectrum of what your body needs before, during and after your workout to support lean muscle and optimize recovery. Combine with a healthy whole food diet and balanced Betty Rocker training plan for best results.

The post Low Impact Upper Body Strength appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Strong Upper Body https://thebettyrocker.com/strong-upper-body/ https://thebettyrocker.com/strong-upper-body/#respond Mon, 19 Sep 2022 11:00:22 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5070667 Get ready to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with this fun “elimination rounds” workout! Today you will...

The post Strong Upper Body appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Get ready to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with this fun “elimination rounds” workout!

Today you will be working out with Coach Neesha from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach.

Elimination rounds means you’ll be eliminating moves as you progress through the rounds. I find this style of training is really fun and makes the workout feel like it just flies by!

This workout will sculpt your shoulders, back, and arms, supporting a strong core and excellent posture. And remember, it’s the actions we take AROUND our workouts that help make them effective, including how we eat, how we rest and recover, and how we manage our stress.

Be sure you’re eating enough protein in all your main meals, and for a convenient and clean protein smoothie to boost your overall intake for the day check out my tasty, organic I ❤ Chocolate or I ❤ Vanilla Protein powders!

Grab some items for resistance – like water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells, and an elevated surface and join Coach Neesha to rock your workout! 

One of my Rock Your Life members recently asked me if I could create a “workout bundle” that included protein powder, collagen and aminos – so I did! The BEST PART? You can get a FREE bottle of protein (your choice of flavor) included in this bundle!

The Workout Bundle contains the spectrum of what your body needs before, during and after your workout to support lean muscle and optimize recovery. Combine with a healthy whole food diet and balanced Betty Rocker training plan for best results.

Enjoy a FREE bottle of protein with every order (your flavor choice!).

Upper Body Eliminations

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, dumbbells, household objects), optional high backed chair or wall

Format: Perform round 1 (moves 1-9) for 0:30 each, round 2 (moves 1-7) for 0:45 each and round 3 (moves 1-5) for 1:00 each.

​​Move 1: Down Dog to Cobra

  • Begin in a tall plank position on your mat with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, a flat back and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Send your hips up and back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the mat (bending at the knees is helpful for tight hamstrings).
  • Shift back into a tall plank and lower yourself with control down to your belly on the mat, untucking your toes so that the tops of your feet are on the mat.
  • Keeping your palms on the mat underneath your shoulders, use the strength of your back to lift your torso off of the mat, being mindful of not shrugging your shoulders (your pelvis, lower ribcage and abdomen will remain on the mat)
  • With control, lower your torso back to the mat, tuck your toes and press yourself back up to a tall plank position.
  • Repeat this sequence for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform the pushup portions of this sequence with your knees on the mat.

Move 2: 3 Way Biceps Curls

  • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing forward at your thighs.
    With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights to the starting position.
  • Rotate at the shoulders so that your palms are now facing out, right and left, and curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • Lower the weights with control to starting position, rotate your arms so that your palms are facing your sides and curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows in at your ribcage for the duration of the curls.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.

Move 3: Alternating Overhead Press to Knee Raise

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart, core braced, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) and with one weight in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing each other.
  • Maintaining a braced core, press the weight in your right hand straight up overhead, keeping your shoulder in its engaged position back and down and not allowing it to rotate forward.
  • As you press your right weight up, simultaneously stabilize through your right foot on the mat as you drive your left knee up to hip height.
  • Lower the weight and lifted leg with control back to the starting position and switch sides.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform the overhead press and knee raises separately, first pressing both weights overhead and then alternating raising each knee.

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!


Move 4: Hand Release Push Ups

  • Begin in a tall plank position on your mat with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Bend your arms and lower your body to the mat while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a prone position on your belly, use the muscles of your upper back to lift your palms away from the mat, squeezing in-between your shoulder blades.
  • Plant your palms back beneath your shoulders and press yourself back up to a tall plank position.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform the pushup portions of this sequence with your knees on the mat.

Move 5: Triceps Kickback

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body with a flat back, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Draw your elbows up and back beside your ribcage and perform tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps.
  • Keep your elbows beside your ribcage as you bend your arms and repeat the kickback from a hinged position for allotted time.

Move 6: Jumping Jacks

  • Start by standing with feet together and arms by your sides, core braced and shoulders back and down.
  • Simultaneously jump your feet out wide as you bring your arms out and above your head, being mindful of now shrugging your shoulders.
  • Jump your feet back together and bring arms back down to your sides, returning to your starting position and repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove the jump and alternate stepping your feet out one at a time while bringing your arms over head.

Move 7: High Pull Row

  • With weighted objects in both hands, palms facing your body, begin by standing with feet hip width apart, core braced, and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall).
  • Push your hips back and hinge forward while maintaining a flat back, slightly bending your knees and keeping the weighted objects close to your shins.
  • As you drive through your feet and squeeze your glutes to come back to standing, draw your weighted objects up and back evenly for a high pull row, leading with your elbows. Notice the muscles working between your shoulder blades.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.

Move 8: Side Knee Drive R

  • Begin by standing with your core braced, right foot extended to the side, and arms overhead.
  • Powerfully drive your right knee out and up for an oblique crunch as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, rotating your torso to face the raised knee.
  • Return to the starting position with control.
  • Repeat for the allotted time and be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
  • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.

Move 9: Side Knee Drive L

  • Begin by standing with your core braced, left foot extended to the side, and arms overhead.
  • Powerfully drive your left knee out and up for an oblique crunch as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, rotating your torso to face the raised knee.
  • Return to the starting position with control.
  • Repeat for the allotted time and be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
  • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.

Amazing job Rockstar! I am so proud of you for showing up today! Check in with me and Coach Neesha and let us know how you liked the workout and anything else you want to share – we love hearing from you.

Check out this awesome progress Denise, a Rock Your Life member, shared over the course of JUST 2 MONTHS and 2 challenges!

Looking for a plan to help you reach YOUR goals?

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

…in my epic home gym that has new classes every week30-day Challenges to keep you on track with a program, your own personal workout library, over 300 healthy recipes, an exclusive support group, access to the Team Betty Rocker coaches, and so much more!

Can’t wait to see you there!

The post Strong Upper Body appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

https://thebettyrocker.com/strong-upper-body/feed/ 0
Upper Body Strength Circuits https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-circuits/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-circuits/#respond Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:00:39 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5070306 Get ready to sculpt your upper body with these super fun strength circuits! Building upper body strength makes...

The post Upper Body Strength Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Get ready to sculpt your upper body with these super fun strength circuits!

Building upper body strength makes me feel so confident, accomplished, and ready to take on anything.

Today you will be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker. She will take you through some of her favorite upper body moves that will have you feeling so strong (and sweaty) by the end of this workout!

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

This workout will sculpt your chest, back, and arms, supporting a strong core and excellent posture.

Grab some items for resistance – like water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells, and an elevated surface and join Coach Amanda to rock your workout! 

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body Strength

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Circuit 1

Down Dog Toe Touch to Plank (0:30-0:45)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Send your hips up and back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the mat (bending at the knees is helpful for tight hamstrings).
  • Remaining in down dog, reach your right hand back to touch your left toes, replant your right hand and reach your left hand back to touch your right toes.
  • With both hands planted back on the mat, shift yourself back into a tall plank position.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform this sequence with your hands placed on an elevated surface.

Alternating Hammer Curl (8-12)

  • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands with palms facing each other.
  • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend your right arm at the elbow to curl the weight up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weight back to the starting position and switch sides.
  • Be mindful that you are keeping your elbow in beside your ribcage throughout this exercise.
  • Continue alternating sides for max reps.

Chest Press to Chest Fly (8-12 each way)

  • Begin lying on your back, knees bent, feet firmly planted on the mat and weighted objects in both hands.
  • With a braced core and lower back making gentle contact with the mat, extend your arms straight over your chest with palms facing your knees.
  • Draw your elbows down in line with your shoulders and wrists over elbows as you bend your arms, lowering the weights with control. Press the weights back over your chest to return to the starting position.
  • From this position, shift your palms to face each other.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows and keeping your shoulders pulled away from your ears, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest.
  • Using the strength of your chest, bring the weighted objects back to starting position.
  • Repeat this sequence for max reps.

Lat Pullover (8-12)

  • Begin lying on your back, knees bent, feet firmly planted on the mat, holding a single weighted object between both hands or two lighter weighted objects in both hands.
  • With a braced core and lower back making gentle contact with the mat, extend your arms straight over your chest.
  • With control, allow your arms to stretch toward the wall behind you for a lat pullover, being mindful to maintain gentle contact of your lower back on the mat.
  • Use your lats to pull the weights back up to your starting position and repeat for max reps.

Support your active lifestyle with delicious vanilla protein!

Our superfood protein blend supports your body from the inside out. With 20 grams of organic plant protein (containing all the essential amino acids), you’ll be loving the energy and vitality you get each time you shake it, bake it, or blend it up with I ❤ Vanilla Protein!

Vanilla Protein

Circuit 2

Jack Punches (0:30-0:45)

  • Begin standing with your feet together, core braced, and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) .
  • Jump your feet out wide as you punch forward with your right arm.
  • Jump your feet back together, bringing your arms back to the starting position, and switch sides.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Make this move low impact by removing the jump and alternating stepping each foot out and back in.

External Rotation (10-15)

  • Begin by standing with a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), weighted objects in both hands.
  • Bend your arms to 90 degrees, your elbows hugging in close to your body, and palms facing each other.
  • Keeping your arms in this 90 degree position and elbows close to your body, externally rotate your arms by pulling the weights out to the sides.
  • Reverse the movement to return to the center in your 90 degree position and repeat for max reps.

Tricep Press Ups (12-15)

  • Begin lying on your stomach with your hands placed next to your chest on the mat and your elbows tight to your body.
  • Ensure your shoulder blades are pulled down to keep your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Keeping your hips on the ground, press yourself up until your arms are a little past 90 degrees, being mindful of not locking out your elbows.
  • Lower yourself back down with control until you are almost to the ground and then press back up. Try not to let yourself relax at the bottom, maintaining tension in your triceps the entire time.
  • Repeat for max reps.

Reverse Fly (8-12)

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Using the muscles between your shoulder blades, lift both arms out to the side leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists. It’s natural to have a slight bend in the elbows.
  • With control, Return to the start position and repeat for allotted reps.


Alternating Overhead Press (0:45)

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart, core braced, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) and with one weight in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing each other.
  • Maintaining a braced core, press the weight in your right hand straight up overhead, keeping your shoulder in its engaged position back and down and not allowing it to rotate forward.
  • Lower the weight with control back to the starting position and switch sides.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.

Amazing job Rockstar! Check in and let Coach Amanda and me know how you liked the workout and where you did it from. We love hearing from you!

Looking for a well-balanced workout plan with variety, accountability and support for your fitness journey? I’ve got you covered!

Check out ROCK YOUR LIFE, my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community!

We’ve got dozens of 30 day Challenge plans to choose from so you always have a plan, hundreds of workouts in our class library so you’re never bored, and so much inspiration in our private support group!

Check out Zelda’s amazing journey in Rock Your Life!

“18 months ago I couldn’t do a sit up, and only 1 push up!

I found Betty Rocker a year ago with Make Fat Cry, and since then I’ve revamped my fuel through Betty Rocker meal plans. I’m a Warrior Woman (challenge) twice over, I’m a Fitness Addict (challenge), I’ve done 7 weeks of Strength Training (challenge), Sculpt Domination (challenge), 2 5-day challenges, and more. I’m 68lbs down in weight and I’m a more balanced better me, for myself and for others.

Thank you Rock Your Life members for inspiring me, supporting me and entertaining me, and thank you to Bree and the extended Betty Rocker team – you have created an amazing place to transform.”

-Zelda M.

One-off workouts are great, but having a PLAN to follow is even better!

Join my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community, Rock Your Life, and get access to 30-day Challenges, a powerful support network unlike any other, new workout classes added every week you can do from the comfort of your own home – and share the journey while we help you reach your goals!

Click Here to get a 30-day Trial to Rock Your Life!

The post Upper Body Strength Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body Burn Elimination Rounds https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-burn-elimination-rounds/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-burn-elimination-rounds/#respond Mon, 06 Jun 2022 14:00:55 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5069934 Looking for an awesome upper body burn today? Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker has you covered with...

The post Upper Body Burn Elimination Rounds appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Looking for an awesome upper body burn today? Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker has you covered with a fast and effective elimination round workout. If you’ve never tried this type of workout, you’re going to have so much fun!

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

One of the many reasons I love workouts like this one is because you can get maximum benefit in a short period of time. And my favorite way to make the most of a workout is by incorporating resistance training and high intensity movements.

This workout is a great one to do from home or in the gym with simple equipment like dumbbells, or any weighted objects you have around the house like water jugs, laundry jugs or anything you can easily hold onto.

Coach Amanda will be offering lots of options so you can make it your own! As always, listen for the form cues so you can stay tuned into your body and pace yourself through the workout.

Join her and let’s get right to it! 

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body Burn

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottle, dumbbells, etc)
Format: In round 1, perform moves 1-9 for 0:30 each | round 2, perform moves for 1-7 for 0:40 | round 3, moves 1-5 for 0:50 each | round 4, moves 1-3 for 1:00. Rest 15 second between each movement.

1- Squat to Press

  • Begin standing with your feet about hip distance apart, your shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) while holding weighted objects at your shoulders
  • Send your hips back as you come into a squat, bracing your core and keeping your chest up, allowing your knees to track in line with your toes.
  • Drive back up using the strength of your glutes and press your arms up overhead. Your weighted objects can face forward or face each other. Bring them back down to your shoulders, and repeat the squat.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Use an elevated surface like a couch, chair, ottoman or bench to check your squat form and ensure you’re using the correct muscles. Consider practicing this move without any weighted objects to start, and instead pressing soft fists overhead.

2- Full Body Roll Up

  • Begin by lying with your back on the mat, your arms and legs extended.
  • Use the strength of your core to lift your arms and torso off of the mat, keeping your core braced as you fold over your legs to reach for your toes.
  • With control, reverse the movement, thinking of articulating and unrolling your spine back down to the mat until you are back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Slightly bend at the knees instead of having them fully extended.

3- Bent Over Row

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Draw your elbows up and back beside your ribcage, squeezing your back muscles.
  • Slowly lower the weights with control to the hanging position beneath your chest.
  • Repeat for allotted time.

4- Push Ups

  • Begin in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Bend your arms and lower yourself toward the mat for a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a braced core and flat back, push yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Drop your knees to the mat or perform this move in an elevated position with your hands on an elevated surface like a couch/ottoman/bench.

Support your active lifestyle with delicious vanilla protein!

Our superfood protein blend supports your body from the inside out. With 20 grams of organic plant protein (containing all the essential amino acids), you’ll be loving the energy and vitality you get each time you shake it, bake it, or blend it up with I ❤ Vanilla Protein!

Vanilla Protein

5- Upright Row to Biceps Curl

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands with your palms facing your front body.
  • Keeping the weights close to your body and leading with your elbows up and back, engage between your shoulders to draw the weights up towards your chin.
  • Lower the weights back to the starting position with control.
  • Rotate your arms so that your palms facing forward at your thighs.
  • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights to the starting position.
  • Repeat sequence for allotted time.

6- Triceps Dips

  • Sit on the edge of your elevated surface (like a chair, ottoman, couch, or bench) with your hands beside your hips, gripping the edge of the surface with your fingers facing forward.
  • Walk your feet forward until your hips are slightly ahead of the bench – your legs can be bent or straight.
  • With your shoulders over your wrists, elbows slightly rotating in towards each other (to engage your lats), and core braced, bend your elbows and lower your hips toward the floor with control until your upper arms and forearms form 90-degree angles. Pause at the bottom of the movement.
  • Squeeze your triceps to straighten your elbows back to the starting position. Be mindful that you are not locking out your elbows at the top.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform triceps extensions:
  • Begin in a kneeling position with core braced and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall).
  • Hold one weighted object overhead with both hands (or two lighter weighted objects in both hands) so that your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being mindful of not letting the elbows flare out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position and repeat.
    Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward.

7- Bent Arm Lateral Raises

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and repeat for allotted time.

8- Down Dog to Knee Drive

  • Begin in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Send your hips up and back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the mat (bending at the knees is helpful for tight hamstrings).
  • Shift your weight forward to come back into a tall plank position and use your core to drive your right knee towards your right elbow.
  • Step your right foot back to a tall plank and shift back into downward dog.
  • Repeat sequence on left side and continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform this sequence with your hands placed on an elevated surface.

9- Lateral Barrier Jumps

  • Place a yoga block (or any other barrier-type object) in the middle of your mat and stand on the far left side of the mat with your knees bent.
  • Power through your feet to explode over the barrier to the right (use your arms to propel you).
  • Land lightly with a braced core and evenly distribute your weight along each entire foot while allowing your hips and knees to bend to absorb force. Your knees should be in line with your toes as you set up to jump back to the left.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Make this low impact by taking out the jump and step one foot at a time over the barrier, coming into a squat on the other side. Keep your core braced and your chest elevated, and drive through the heels to stand. Repeat step over and squat for allotted time.

Amazing job! Be sure to check in  Coach Amanda and me below and let us know how you liked this workout and what move was your favorite.

Looking for a well-balanced workout plan with variety, accountability and support for your fitness journey? I’ve got you covered!

Check out ROCK YOUR LIFE, my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community!

We’ve got dozens of 30 day Challenge plans to choose from so you always have a plan, hundreds of workouts in our class library so you’re never bored, and so much support for you in our private support group!

Check out Voni’s amazing progress after just 1 year with me…

“1 year ago I pressed play to day 1 of Betty Rockers Make Fat Cry free 30 day program. I almost died by the way. 😂 Today I am on day 5 of my 11th challenge.
What I found was a health program that I LOVE! Thank you coaches! After the 30 day challenge, I joined you here on Rock your Life and as a result met the greatest bunch of inspirational ladies ever!

Thank you rockstars!
And of course a 1 year #rockiversary called for progress photos.

Sharing progress photos because I experienced so much inspiration from others sharing theirs. I ALWAYS used them as motivation and NEVER for comparison. Here is to motivation and inspiration!”

– Voni H, Rock Your Life member

Start your 30 Day Trial today!

Can’t wait to see you there!

The post Upper Body Burn Elimination Rounds appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Smash https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-smash/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-smash/#respond Mon, 14 Mar 2022 04:00:51 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5069018 Get ready to work your upper body and core with this low impact strength building circuit – plus...

The post Upper Body and Core Smash appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Get ready to work your upper body and core with this low impact strength building circuit – plus a special bonus stretch video designed to go with this workout!

Today I have some of my favorite upper body and core moves for you that will help build strength for functional movement and have you feeling so strong (and sweaty) by the end of this workout!

Functional movement is really just how we move as human beings. Mastering good form can be really helpful in correcting poor movement patterns, building better body awareness, helping us get stronger, and keeping us safe and moving well for many years to come.

Be sure to check out my Foundations of Functional Fitness free online workshop for more on stabilizing your shoulder joint and activating your core when practicing movements like these.

Today’s workout will focus on sculpting a strong back, arms and core all at once!

Now grab some weighted objects (water bottles, laundry jugs, dumbbells) and an elevated surface if you have one and let’s smash this together!

Great job with that workout! One of the many resources you’ll have access to in my Rock Your Life online home workout studio and women’s fitness community is the extensive class library with over 1200 different workout classes.

You’ll have unlimited access to many types of classes, from warm-up and cool-down stretches to restorative yoga, pilates, mobility, resistance training, weight training, HIIT circuits, mindset and more! Here’s a stretch video I recorded to complement this upper body workout that you would find in Rock Your Life.

In this video I’m drinking Rock and Restore, my free-form essential amino acid formula and drinking out of my Stop, Drop and Betty Rock shaker bottle.

Enjoy this quick upper body cool-down stretch, designed to go with today’s workout:

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Smash

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions


Move 1: Plank Walk Out to Cross Body Climber

  • Begin standing at the back of your mat.
  • Bend your knees to hinge at the hips, planting your hands to walk yourself out to a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over your wrists, core braced, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips level with the mat, alternate driving your knees to opposite elbows, once on each side.
  • Walk your hands back towards your feet to stand at the starting position and repeat the sequence.
  • MOD: Make this an elevated tall plank by placing your hands on an elevated surface at the end of your walkout.

Move 2: Overhead Tricep Extension

  • Begin in a kneeling position with core braced and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall).
  • Hold one weighted object overhead with both hands (or two lighter weighted objects in both hands) so that your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being mindful of not letting the elbows flare out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position and repeat.
  • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward.
  • MOD for extra core challenge: As you lower your forearms, sit your butt towards your feet and back up again as you straighten your arms, maintaining a braced core and preventing any arching in the spine.

Move 3: Biceps Curl Bent Arm Lateral Raise

  • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing forward.
  • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights half-way so the elbows are at a 90 degree bend. Be mindful to keep your elbows in at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
  • From this position, raise both arms out to the side to shoulder height, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Slowly bring your elbows back in beside your ribcage and lower the weights to the starting position.
  • Repeat this sequence for max reps.

This 14-day free workshop can be done along side any workout program!

Sign up and start today and get more out of your workouts!

Move 4: Bicycle Crunches – option to use your exercise ball

  • Begin lying on your back with your legs bent, knees over your hips, and hands behind your head without pulling your head forward.
  • Contract your abdominals by bringing your chest forward and rotating at the torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee, simultaneously extending your right leg.
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground and repeat with your left elbow to right knee and extended left leg.
  • Be sure your lower back stays in gentle contact with the mat throughout this movement.
  • MOD: Instead of extending the opposite leg, keep both legs bent and tap your toes to the mat.
  • MOD for the ball: Using a stability ball to support your mid to lower back, begin in a reverse tabletop, knees bent at 90 degrees, with feet firmly planted on the mat (take a wider stance for more stability).
  • With hands supporting your head, alternate drawing opposite knee to opposite elbow, keeping the other foot planted on the mat.

Move 5: Chest Press to Alternating Leg Drop

  • Begin lying on your back, knees bent, feet firmly planted on the mat and weighted objects in both hands.
  • With a braced core and lower back making gentle contact with the mat, extend your arms straight over your chest with palms facing your knees.
  • Draw your elbows down in line with your shoulders as you bend your arms, lowering the weights with control. Press the weights back over your chest to return to the starting position.
  • As you press your arms up, draw one knee into your chest. Then extend the same leg as you lower the weights. Alternate drawing each knee in with every chest press.
  • MOD: Don’t extend the leg after drawing it in towards your chest or remove the lower body portion entirely, keeping the feet planted on the mat.

Move 6: Reverse Fly

  • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Using the muscles between your shoulder blades, lift both arms out to the side leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists. It’s natural to have a slight bend in the elbows.
  • With control, return to the starting position and repeat.


Squat to Press

  • Begin standing with your feet about hip distance apart, with your shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) while holding weighted objects on your shoulders
  • Send your hips back as you come into a squat, bracing your core and keeping your chest up, allowing your knees to track in line with your toes.
  • Drive back up using the strength of your glutes and press your arms up overhead. Your weighted objects can face forward or face each other. Bring them back down to your shoulders, and repeat the squat.
  • MOD: Use an elevated surface like a couch, chair ottoman or bench to check your squat form and ensure you’re using the correct muscles. Consider practicing this move without any weighted objects to start, and instead pressing soft fists overhead.

Awesome work! Looking forward to hearing how you liked that workout – be sure to comment below with any questions and to check in.

Looking for a well-balanced workout plan with variety, accountability and support for your fitness journey? I’ve got you covered!

Check out ROCK YOUR LIFE, my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community!

We’ve got dozens of 30 day Challenge plans to choose from so you always have a plan, hundreds of workouts in our class library so you’re never bored, and so much support for you in our private support group!

Check out Voni’s amazing progress after just 1 year with me…

“1 year ago I pressed play to day 1 of Betty Rockers Make Fat Cry free 30 day program. I almost died by the way. 😂 Today I am on day 5 of my 11th challenge.
What I found was a health program that I LOVE! Thank you coaches! After the 30 day challenge, I joined you here on Rock your Life and as a result met the greatest bunch of inspirational ladies ever!

Thank you rockstars!
And of course a 1 year #rockiversary called for progress photos.

Sharing progress photos because I experienced so much inspiration from others sharing theirs. I ALWAYS used them as motivation and NEVER for comparison. Here is to motivation and inspiration!”

– Voni H, Rock Your Life member

Start your 30 Day Trial today!

Can’t wait to see you there!


The post Upper Body and Core Smash appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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20-Minute Upper Body Pyramid Workout https://thebettyrocker.com/20-minute-upper-body-pyramid-workout/ https://thebettyrocker.com/20-minute-upper-body-pyramid-workout/#respond Fri, 04 Feb 2022 23:52:13 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5068723 Ready to work your upper body? Today I have a time-saving workout that will shred your back, chest,...

The post 20-Minute Upper Body Pyramid Workout appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Ready to work your upper body? Today I have a time-saving workout that will shred your back, chest, arms and core!

Pyramids are a special kind of timing sequence where we focus on one move at a time, and repeat it at timed intervals that go up and then down in length.

It’s a really popular workout format that gets requested all the time in Rock Your Life, my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community.

I invite you to show up with intention by focusing on your form, your goals and WHY you are here – and to keep that at the forefront of your mind throughout the workout.

And remember, what you do outside of your workouts is what truly makes them effective. Need a refresher on the 4 Pillars of Health? Today is a great time to check in with yourself on them, and make sure they’re all getting equal priority in your life as best you can.

When you start to get tired or want to give up, remember what I always say, it’s all or something, not all or nothing.

Grab some items for resistance – like water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells, and an elevated surface and join me for this awesome workout!

Did you enjoy this workout? Then you will LOVE the Warrior Woman Challenge inside of Rock Your Life! The Warrior Woman challenge is designed to strengthen your entire body with an added focus on  endurance and flexibility. If you are looking for a sculpted physique, core work and cardio you will love this one!

Upper Body Pyramids

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, dumbbells, household objects), Elevated Surface
Format: Round 1: 15 seconds | Round 2: 30 seconds | Round 3: 45 seconds | Round 4: 30 seconds | Round 5: 15 seconds. Resting 15 seconds between each movement.

Pyramid 1

Move 1: Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest upright and holding a weight in your hands at chest level.
  • Step your right foot back behind you and begin bending your back knee until it nearly touches the ground in a 90 degree angle (ensure your knee is not shooting out over your toe and maintain an upright chest).
  • As you descend, perform a bicep curl with the opposite arm by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps.
  • Reverse the curl as you power through your front heel to come standing and bring your back foot to your starting position to come into a squat.
  • Return to standing and repeat a reverse lunge with your left leg and right arm.
  • MOD: Hold onto a chair or wall to help stabilize.

Bonus Move: Squat to Upright Row

  • Begin standing with your feet wider than hip distance, allowing your feet to turn out naturally.
  • Hold your weighted objects in your hands, arms hanging straight down in front of you with your shoulders back and down to counter balance the weights pulling you forward.
  • Send your hips back behind you with your core engaged, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
  • Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes and as you power back to standing, draw your weighted objects up toward your chin, leading with your elbows. Notice the muscles working between your shoulder blades.
  • Lower your weight and repeat your squat to upright row.

Pyramid 2

Move 1: Ball (or Pillow) Pass Throughs

  • Lie on your back with your core engaged and your pillow or exercise ball between your feet.
  • With your lower back pressed slightly into the mat and your legs bent or straight, bring your legs and arms together to transfer the pillow into your hands.
  • Extend your body out by bringing your arms overhead and your legs straight out, all while keeping your lower back pressing into the mat.
  • Reverse that movement by bringing your arms and legs back together to transfer the pillow back to your feet.
  • Repeat this movement back and forth.
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent throughout this movement.

Bonus Move: Bridge Lift Hold with Chest Press

  • Start lying on the ground with your knees bent, feet on the ground, and blueberry spine activated with your weights straight over your chest while bracing your core.
  • Pressing into the ground with your heels, drive your hips to the ceiling and squeeze your glutes at the top and hold.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until your arms tap the ground and then press the weights back up to return to your starting position and repeat for the allotted reps while your hips remain lifted.

All Whole Betty supplements are now available in the UK and Canada!

At Whole Betty, we believe that whole foods should form the foundation for what you put in your body. That’s why our ingredients are mindfully sourced and consciously created so you get the maximum benefit, every time.

Click Here to shop the collection!

Pyramid 3

Move 1: Push-Ups

  • Begin in a tall plank position, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Lower yourself toward the mat by bending your elbows, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows shooting back behind you. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than
  • looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders away from your ears, powerfully press back up and away from the floor or elevated surface to return to your starting position.
  • MOD: Perform this on an elevated surface or from the floor and drop to a kneeling position for your push ups.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Bonus Move: Superwoman lifts

  • Begin lying on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your lower back and glute strength.
  • Hold this position for the allotted time focusing on keeping your shoulders down and your arms lifted.
  • MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.

Pyramid 4

Move 1: Triceps Kickbacks

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up and a weight in your right hand.
  • Hinge forward at the hips and place your free hand on the surface in front of you to help support you, roll your shoulder blades down and back so they’re not rounding forward, allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weight to your sides, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • While in this row position perform a tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps.
  • Return to your row position with control, and repeat

Bonus Move: Standing Cross Body Crunch

  • Begin standing up tall with your core engaged and holding onto something to help balance.
  • Drive your right knee up and across your midline, rotating your torso as you bring your left elbow to meet your knee.
  • Return to standing and repeat all reps on one side and then switch sides for the next round.


Cross Body Climbers (90 Seconds)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest by driving your knee toward your opposite elbow and back out, one at a time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table

Awesome job, Rockstar – I’m proud of you for giving it your all!

Leave me a comment below and let me know how you’re feeling, where you did this workout, and anything else you’d like to share!

Check out these progress shots from Kamilla, a Rock Your Life member who has had amazing, sustainable results over the past 3 years from having a supportive community, and consistent access to workout classes and challenge programs.

“I just took a look at my overall destination-less journey over 3 years yesterday and did new side by side comparisons from 3 years ago to this year. I owe it ALL to Betty Rocker. My muse, my voice of positivity, kindness and reason in my most difficult moments of commitment. All or something ladies, not all or nothing. Bree, without your slow, gentle, kind ways of eliciting sustainable behavior change that is driven from the inside out, I would not be who I am today.”

Take YOUR fitness to the next level – without having to leave your house!

Grab a 30-day Trial to Rock Your Life and get access to….

  • Dozens of 30-day Challenge plans, complete with interactive calendars and daily email push to keep you on track – you can take a new challenge every month if you like, or go at your own pace and take as long as you like to do any challenge!
  • 5 new workout classes a week that you can do from home for variety and fun! Drop in on your schedule – they’re all loaded right into your workout library to use anytime in case you’re not taking a challenge or just want to swap a workout around.
  • Choose any workout from the Class Library by body part you want to train, how much time you have and workout style – with over 1000 classes you’ll never be short of motivation to get your workout in!
  • Support from me and the Team Betty Rocker coaches, plus the other amazing women in our community in our private support group so you can check in and share the journey, make new friends, and get your questions answered!


The post 20-Minute Upper Body Pyramid Workout appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Supersets https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-supersets-2/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-supersets-2/#respond Mon, 24 Jan 2022 05:23:34 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5068507 Join me for an awesome strength building workout today that targets your shoulders, chest, back and core. In...

The post Upper Body and Core Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Join me for an awesome strength building workout today that targets your shoulders, chest, back and core.

In this workout I’ve combined a series of complex exercises (moves where you’re doing more than one main exercise – like the plank toe taps to push-up)  for the ultimate time-saving workout.

This type of training helps to recruit more muscles as you do each exercise, both the main muscle group being worked as well as the smaller stabilizing muscles as you transition between movements.

It also combines two of my favorite workout styles – explosive cardio and resistance training – which is a great time-saving way to pack variety and effective moves into one workout.

This is the same format as the workouts in Home Workout Domination, my 8-week at home workout program that’s designed to sculpt, tone and strengthen your body from head to toe!

Today’s workout can be done anywhere, anytime, with just a few weighted objects. You can get creative here – I usually use dumbbells, but you can use just about anything with some weight to it like water bottles, laundry or water jugs.

Now join me, and let’s get super strong with these super sets!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Check out Home Workout Domination for a total home workout program that uses minimal equipment and will get you on track to feeling and looking your best!

Upper Body and Core Supersets

Click here for detailed written form notes and move explanations.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, household objects, dumbbells), Optional Elevated Surface.

Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat each superset for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Plank Toe Taps to Push Up (8-12)

  • Start in a tall plank position with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Maintaining balance with your left hand, bend your left knee and kick your left foot in towards your midline as you reach to tap your foot with your right hand.
  • Return to plank position and maintaining a flat back, lower your chest toward the mat as your elbows come out to the side, and push back up to the starting position.
  • Repeat the toe tap on the opposite leg, and continue the sequence with a push up between each alternating side toe tap.
  • Keep your head and neck neutral and avoid looking up or down.
  • MOD: Keep your body elevated on the side of your couch or an ottoman.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on building up your chest and core strength!

Move 2: Jumping Jack to Cross Punch (0:30)

  • Grab some light weighted objects and draw your elbows in close to your body, bringing your fists up by your chin. Brace your core, and draw your shoulders back and down as if they were up against a wall.
  • Jump your feet out to the sides and back in as you would in a regular jumping jack.
  • As you jump, alternate punching forward with your right, then left arm. Bring your elbow back to the start position with each punch.
  • MOD: Feel free to do this move with no added resistance. You can step your feet out and in while punching rather than jumping.

Superset 2

Move 1: Reverse Flyes to Wide Row (8-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the hips to be at a 45 degree angle with our body, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Using the muscles between your shoulder blades, lift both arms out to the side. It’s natural to have a slight bend in the elbows.
  • Return to the start position and perform a wide row by drawing your elbows out and away from your body as you lift the weights up.
  • Return to the start and continue alternating between the flyes and the rows.

Move 2: Jack Press Ups (0:30)

  • Start standing with feet together and your arms upright at a 90 degree angle, drawing your shoulders back and down as if they were up against a wall.
  • Jump your feet out and in (just like a jumping jack) as you press your arms up while keeping your body upright.
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arms back down to your starting position and repeat. Keep your core braced as you move, and stay light on your feet.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while pressing your arms overhead.

Build lean muscle, recover faster, boost your immune system and improve cognitive function with Rock and Restore – my free form essential amino acid powder!

Click here to try it for yourself!

Superset 3

Move 1: Reverse Tabletop to V Sit Curl (8-12)

  • Grab some weighted objects and begin in a seated position on the floor with the weights by your sides.
  • Brace your hands at your sides, and lift your hips coming into a reverse tabletop. Squeeze your glutes as you come to the top, and hold the position briefly as you bend your elbows to perform a short tricep dip.
  • Lower your hips back down and grab the weights, keeping your chest open and body upright. Come into a V-sit, lifting your feet off the floor with straight legs.
  • Draw the weights up toward your shoulders, performing a biceps curl.
  • Replace the weights by your side and place your feet back on the floor. Repeat the entire sequence.
  • MOD: When performing the biceps curl, keep your feet on the floor with your knees bent. When in tabletop, leave out the triceps dip.

Move 2: Seal Jacks (0:30)

  • Start standing with your feet together and arms extended straight out at chest level. Brace your core.
  • Jump your feet out wide (regular jumping jack) as you open your arms out wide.
  • Jump your feet back in as you draw your arms together in front of your chest. Repeat.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while bringing your arms out to your sides and together.

Superset 4

Move 1: Prisoner Squat to Knee Drive Press (8-12)

  • Begin in a kneeling position on your mat with your core braced and chest open. Hold your weighted objects at your side, making sure your shoulders are back and down, and not rotated forward.
  • Draw your right knee forward, stepping onto your right foot. As you bring your left knee forward preparing to stand on it, rather than placing the left foot down on the mat draw your left knee up to your chest. Then place it all the way down on the mat again, coming back into a kneeling position on both knees.
  • Step forward in your next rep with the left leg, using it to balance on. As you draw the right knee forward, draw it up to your chest for a knee crunch. Bring the knee back down to the mat, and continue forward, alternating legs.
  • OPTION: As you draw each knee up to your chest, press the opposite hand up overhead.
  • MOD: Perform this without weighted objects so you can use the side of a chair or the wall to hold onto for balance. 

Move 2: Plank Jack to Pike Jump (0:30)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips in line with your head, jump jack your feet out to the sides and back in.
  • Using your core, pop your hips up. Your body will bend slightly at the hips.
  • Return to your tall plank and repeat the jack and then the jump.
  • MOD: Perform this move with your hands on an elevated surface. You can step-touch your feet out to remove the jack and make it more low impact. You can bend your knees and simply jump or step your knees in rather than jumping up with your hips lifting. 

Awesome work! Looking forward to hearing how you liked that workout – be sure to comment below with any questions and to check in.

Ready for more? I’ve got you covered!

The Home Workout Domination program is perfect if you’re looking for a time-saving resistance training plan to do at home, at the gym, or on the road – it will  tighten and strengthen your legs, glutes, abs, and arms and torch body fat – total body domination!

Check out Home Workout Domination right here!

Check out Theresa’s amazing progress with 2 rounds of Home Workout Domination!

“16 weeks of Home Workout Domination (I did it twice). SAME WEIGHT – less inches! I’m moving on to Lioness, and I can’t wait to see my results!” -Theresa V.

Click Here to Get Home Workout Domination and get started today!

The post Upper Body and Core Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Complete Upper Body and Core Shred https://thebettyrocker.com/complete-upper-body-and-core-shred/ https://thebettyrocker.com/complete-upper-body-and-core-shred/#respond Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:19:37 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5068200 I love a good upper body and core workout! Building upper body strength makes me feel so confident,...

The post Complete Upper Body and Core Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


I love a good upper body and core workout!

Building upper body strength makes me feel so confident, accomplished, and ready to take on anything.

With today’s supersets we’ll be combining upper body strength moves with a targeted core focus and cardio blast. This is such an effective and fun way to build strength, by recruiting many different muscles all at once. This workout will sculpt your chest, back, arms and core.

Today’s workout can be done anywhere, anytime, with just a few weighted objects. You can get creative here – I usually use dumbbells, but you can use just about anything with some weight to it like water bottles, laundry or water jugs.

Now join me, and let’s get strong together!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Complete Upper Body and Core Shred

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, dumbbells, household objects), Elevated Surface
Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat each superset for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Upright Row (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your weights close to your body, drive your elbows up and back evenly for an upright row. Notice the muscles working between your shoulder blades.
  • Return to center with control and repeat.

Move 2: Mountain Climber to Pike (0:30)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • Return to your tall plank and then using your core muscles, power through the balls of your feet to jump your hips toward the sky.
  • Return to your tall plank and repeat.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hands on the edge of a couch or table.

I’m so excited to announce that my Whole Betty supplements are now available in the UK and Canada as well as the US!

Click here to check out the entire collection!

Superset 2

Move 1: Sit Up Chest Press Combo (8-12)

  • Start lying on the ground with legs bent and heels planted firmly, with your lower back making contact with the mat.
  • Hold your weights straight over your chest with the weights pressed together and with your arms extended, brace your core and engage your glutes.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until your arms reach 90 degrees and close to your chest.
  • From this position, use your abdominals to sit yourself up.
  • Once upright, press your arms straight out in front of you, keeping the weights pressed together and your back muscles engaged.
  • Bring the weights back in toward your chest and lower yourself back down with control until you are back in your starting position and repeat.

Move 2: Jump Squats (0:30)

  • Begin in a squat position with your feet hip distance apart, core engaged, chest up, and keeping your weight in your heels.
  • Shoot your hips back behind you for a squat, keeping your chest up tall, weight back in your heels, and knees tracking your toes.
  • Powerfully drive through your heels and posterior chain to explosively jump up and land softly on the balls of your feet to return to standing and repeat.
  • MOD: Make this a low impact move by removing the jump or squatting down to a chair.

Superset 3

Move 1: Curl to Press (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand (palms facing each other).
  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keep your upper arms stationary and perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps and then press straight up over head to end with your palms facing each other.
  • Slowly lower the weights back down to your chest, reverse the curl with control and repeat.

Move 2: Bicycle Crunches (0:30)

  • Begin lying on your back with your legs bent, feet on the ground pressed firmly against the floor and your core engaged.
  • Bring your hands behind your head without pulling your head forward.
  • Contract your abdominals by bringing your chest forward and rotating at the torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground and repeat with your left elbow to right knee.
  • Be sure your lower back stays in contact with the mat throughout this movement.
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent and feet on the floor and just crunch your upper body.

    All or something, right? Here I am down just under 30 lbs. I’m definitely stronger, have more energy, and can do more in the workouts. I just feel so much better! – Karlyn J. – Rock Your Life member

Superset 4

Move 1: Triceps Dips (8-12)

  • Begin sitting on the edge of an elevated surface (box, chair or step) with your hands right next to your sides and facing forward.
  • Keeping your hands on the box, shift yourself forward so you’re not sitting on the elevated surface but rather hovering right in front.
  • Bend your knees and pull your shoulder blades down and back to engage between your shoulders. This will help keep your chest open and keep pressure off of your shoulders. The more you bend your knees, the easier this will be.
  • Keeping your body close to the elevated surface, bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down until your arms are close to 90 degrees, and then press back up to your starting position.
  • MOD: Perform overhead triceps extensions by holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead and slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.

Move 2: Fast Knee Drivers (0:30)

  • Start with your left foot behind you and your arms overhead.
  • Pretend you are crushing a watermelon between your knee and your hands by powerfully driving your knee up toward your chest as you drive your arms down to meet your knee.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Alternate back and forth for the allotted time.

Move 3: Row to Fly (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Perform a row by pulling the weights up to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles. Slowly lower your weights to center.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to center and repeat your row to fly combo.

How did you like that workout? Check in below and let me know! Share this with a friend, and keep me posted on your progress!

Looking for new workouts to do daily, from anywhere?

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

…in my epic home gym that has new classes every week30-day Challenges to keep you on track with a program, your own personal workout library, over 300 healthy recipes, an exclusive support group, access to the Team Betty Rocker coaches, and so much more!

Can’t wait to see you there!

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Upper Body Sculpt https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-sculpt/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-sculpt/#respond Mon, 01 Nov 2021 08:00:02 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5067554 Ready to work your upper body? Join Coach Neesha for an awesome strength building workout today that targets...

The post Upper Body Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Ready to work your upper body?

Join Coach Neesha for an awesome strength building workout today that targets your shoulders, back, chest, and biceps with an added cardio blast to really get your heart pumping!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach.

In today’s workout, you can expect cardio-intensive moves like jack variations to get your heart rate up (with low impact options) plus strengthening moves like push-ups, shoulder presses and bicep curls to sculpt lean muscle!

Increasing the health and strength of our muscle tissue is beneficial for many reasons, like supporting immune function, more efficient fat burning, joint support and more.

Resistance training will not only make you stronger, but you’ll sleep better (1), experience cardiovascular health (2), and greater mental health (3). You will reap those benefits when you train in balance with rest and recovery, prioritize getting to bed on time, eating whole foods, and managing stress.

This workout is a great one to do from home or in the gym with simple equipment like dumbbells, or you could use any weighted objects you have around the house like water jugs, laundry jugs or anything you can easily hold onto.

Join Coach Neesha and let’s get right to it! 

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!


Upper Body Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, dumbbells, household objects), Optional Elevated Surface

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds

Superset 1

Move 1: Slow Burpees with Double Push Ups (10)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, keeping your core engaged.
  • In this tall plank position, perform 2 push ups by lowering yourself down toward the mat, bending your elbows and keeping your shoulders away from your ears.
  • From your tall plank position, jump or step your feet back into your hands and come back to standing, loading your weight in your heels and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform this on an elevated surface or from the floor and drop to a kneeling position for your push ups.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Move 2: Biceps Curls (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down as if you were standing against a wall, and holding your weighted objects with your palms facing in front of you.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps.
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat.

Move 3: Wide Grip Rows (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Keeping your ears away from your shoulders, pull the weights out to the sides so your elbows and shoulders are in a line and wrists are directly below your elbows and squeeze your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly return to center and repeat.

Move 4: Seal Jacks (0:30)

  • Start standing with feet together and arms extended straight out at chest level.
  • Simultaneously jump your feet out wide as you open your arms out wide to stretch your chest
  • Jump your feet and arms back together in the center, returning to your starting position and repeat.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while bringing your arms out to your sides.

Build lean muscle, recover faster, boost your immune system and improve cognitive function with Rock and Restore essential amino acid powder.

Click here to try it for yourself!

Superset 2

Move 1: Shoulder Press Jacks (0:30)

  • Start standing with feet together and your arms upright in a goal post position at a 90 degree angle, pulling your shoulders back and down.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you press your arms straight up while maintaining an active back.
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arms back down to your starting position and repeat.
  • Really focus on keeping your shoulder blades pulling back through the whole movement.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while pressing your arms overhead.

Move 2: 2 Way Raises (8-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, raise the weights straight up in front of your body for a front raise, ending with your palms facing the ground.
  • Slowly bring the weights back down with control and then lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Bring our weights back to your sides and repeat the front raise to lateral raise.

Move 3: Shoulder Presses (8-12)

“I am pretty pumped about these progress pics and this is only my first 30 day challenge!! Going to take off the next 4 days to recharge and then start a new one on Monday.” – Crystal, Rock Your Life Member

  • Begin standing with one weight in each hand with your arms up in a goal post position, arms at 90 degrees.
  • Keeping your shoulders pulled back and down and your core engaged, drive the weights straight up overhead.
  • Slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat.

Move 4: Chair Sit Row to Kickback (8-12)

  • Starting with your feet together, core engaged and shoulders rolled back, sink your hips back and down slightly as if you were going to sit in a chair.
  • From here, draw your elbows in close to your rib cage holding the weights by your side.
  • Kick your arms back behind you for a tricep kickback.
  • Return to your hanging position and repeat.

Way to show up for yourself today! Check in and let me and Coach Neesha know how you liked the workout – we love hearing from you!

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Check out these progress shots from Kamilla, a Rock Your Life member who has had amazing, sustainable results over the past 3 years from having a supportive community, and consistent access to workout classes and challenge programs.

Take a look at what she had to say….

“I just took a look at my overall destination-less journey over 3 years yesterday and did new side by side comparisons from 3 years ago to this year. I owe it ALL to Betty Rocker. My muse, my voice of positivity, kindness and reason in my most difficult moments of commitment. All or something ladies, not all or nothing. Bree, without your slow, gentle, kind ways of eliciting sustainable behavior change that is driven from the inside out, I would not be who I am today.”

What could you do in 30 days? How about in the next 6 months? What about in the next year if you finally had the support, the programs and all of the resources you need to reach your goals?

Join us in Rock Your Life and find out! Click here for a 30 day Trial pass!


  1. Kovaceniv A, et al. “The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials”. Sleep Medicine Reviews. Web. June 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28919335
  2. Wayne L. Westcott. “Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health”. Current Sports Medicine Report.Web.  2012 Jul. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22777332
  3. Strickland, Justin C, and Mark A Smith. “The anxiolytic effects of resistance exercise.” Frontiers in psychology. Web. July 2014. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4090891/

The post Upper Body Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Sculpting Supersets https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-sculpting-supersets/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-sculpting-supersets/#respond Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:14:22 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5066962 Get ready to sculpt your upper body and core with this super fun superset workout! Today you will...

The post Upper Body and Core Sculpting Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Get ready to sculpt your upper body and core with this super fun superset workout!

Today you will be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers.

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

This workout will sculpt your chest, back, and arms, supporting a strong core and excellent posture.

Coach Amanda and I are challenging you to show up with intention by focusing on your form, your goals and WHY you are here – and to keep that at the forefront of your mind throughout the workout.

When you start to get tired or want to give up, come back to your goals and challenge yourself to keep going. Be sure to check in when you’re done – we love hearing from you!

Grab some items for resistance – like water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells, and an elevated surface and join Coach Amanda to rock your workout! 

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: Weighted Objects (dumbbells, water bottles, household objects), Optional Elevated Surface

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Jack Press Ups (BW) (0:45)

  • Start standing with feet together and your arms upright at a 90 degree angle position, pulling your shoulders back and down.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you press your arms straight up while maintaining an active back.
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arms back down to your starting position and repeat. Really focus on keeping your shoulder blades pulling back through the whole movement.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while pressing your arms overhead.

Move 2: Bent Row (10) to Triceps Kickback (10)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weights to your sides, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Repeat this move for 10 reps and on the last row, perform tricep kickbacks by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps for 10 reps.

Move 3: 2 Way Push Ups (8-12)

  • Begin in a tall plank, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Lower yourself toward the mat by bending your elbows, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows shooting back behind you. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders away from your ears, powerfully press back up and away from the floor or elevated surface to return to your starting position.
  • Step one hand out so your arms are in a wide stance and repeat the push up.
  • Repeat your regular to wide push up back to back for the allotted reps.
  • MOD: Perform the push up with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface.
  • Alternatively, remain on the mat, but in a kneeling, or single knee down position.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Vanilla Protein

Superset 2

Move 1: Renegade Row to Mountain Climbers (0:45)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged, back flat, and shoulders stacked over your hands holding weighted objects.
  • Keeping your hips square to the ground and core engaged, perform a row with your right arm by pulling your elbow straight back along your body and squeezing the base of your shoulder blade.
  • Slowly return your right arm back to the ground and repeat with your left arm.
  • Return to center and run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • Repeat the row and mountain climber for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table, from a kneeling position, or remove the weights completely.

Move 2: Lateral Raise (10) to Push Press (10)

It’s easy to see the tremendous progress Hope made; your eye logically looks at the pictures from left to right.

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and repeat for 10 reps.
  • Next, bring the weight together in front of your shoulders with your shoulders pulled back and down and your core engaged.
  • Slightly bend your knees and drive up with your legs as you powerfully press the weights straight up overhead.
  • Slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat for 10 reps.

Move 3: Biceps Curl Variation (5-5-2)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Bring one arm to a 90 degree angle so your bicep is holding in a halfway bicep curl position.
  • With the other arm, keep the upper arms stationary and perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulders, ending palms facing you.
  • Perform 5 curls and then switch arms.


Move 1: Mountain Climbers (0:20)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table.

Move 2: Walking Plank (0:20)

  • Begin in a low plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your elbows.
  • Brace your core and raise yourself up to your hands, one arm at a time.
  • One at a time, step down to your elbows and up to your hands and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface.

Move 3: Pushups (0:20)

  • Begin in a tall plank, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Lower yourself toward the mat by bending your elbows, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows shooting back behind you. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders away from your ears, powerfully press back up and away from the floor or elevated surface to return to your starting position.
  • MOD: Perform the push up with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface. Alternatively, remain on the mat, but in a kneeling, or single knee down position.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Amazing job Rockstar! Check in and let Coach Amanda and me know how you liked the workout and where you did it from. We love hearing from you!

One-off workouts are great, but having a PLAN to follow is even better!

Join my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community, Rock Your Life, and get access to 30-day Challenges, a powerful support network unlike any other, new workout classes added every week you can do from the comfort of your own home – and share the journey while we help you reach your goals!

Click Here to get a 30-day Trial to Rock Your Life!

The post Upper Body and Core Sculpting Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body Strength and Sculpt Supersets https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-and-sculpt-supersets/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-and-sculpt-supersets/#respond Mon, 02 Aug 2021 12:09:50 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5066516 Ready to work your upper body and core? I have an awesome strength building workout for you today...

The post Upper Body Strength and Sculpt Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Ready to work your upper body and core? I have an awesome strength building workout for you today that works your shoulders, chest, biceps and core – and is a great one to do from home or in the gym with simple equipment like dumbbells.

Today you’re training with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker. Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

In this six-move series, we’ll focus on building strength, sculpting lean muscle and tuning into your form and alignment. Coach Amanda gives great cues and progressions so you can build on what you learn. Please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment below if you have any questions!

Grab some weighted objects (Coach Amanda is using dumbbells, but you can use water bottles, water jugs or even laundry jugs if you don’t have dumbbells handy), and let’s rock this workout! 

Like this style of training? I’ve got you covered! The Home Workout Domination program is perfect if you’re looking for a time-saving resistance training plan to do at home, at the gym, or on the road – it will torch body fat, and tighten and strengthen your legs, glutes, abs, and arms – total body domination!

Upper Body Strength and Sweat

Click here for detailed written form notes and move explanations.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, household objects, dumbbells), Optional Elevated Surface.

Format: Perform each move for 0:45 and repeat for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Spider Climber to Pike Push Up

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your core engaged, drive your right knee up to your right elbow to crunch your abs, return your right foot back to your starting position and repeat on the left side.
  • From your tall plank, push back into a down dog position by pressing away from your hands and shifting your hips back and up toward the ceiling to end with your head in line with your arms. (Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the floor.)
  • Shift back to your tall plank position and repeat.
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) or perform from a kneeling position.

Move 2: 3 Way Raise

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists.
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and then raise the weights straight up in front of your body for a front raise, ending with your palms facing the ground.
  • Slowly bring them down again to center and with your palms facing behind you, use your back muscles to pull the weight straight back.
  • Bring our weights back to center and repeat the lateral raise to front raise and back pull.

Move 3: Chest Fly to Chest Pullover to Leg Drop

  • Begin lying on your back on the ground and holding your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended and palms facing each other while bracing your core.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows and keeping your shoulders pulled away from your ears, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest.
  • Pull the weights back together over your chest and with control, reach your arms overhead toward the wall behind you for a chest pullover.
  • Brace your core and use your lats to pull the weights back up to your starting position.
  • Straighten your legs, engage your blueberry spine and slowly lower your legs toward the floor.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent for the leg drop rather than extending them.

Superset 2

Move 1: Rotating Plank

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Rotate to the right side, balancing on your right hand and your right foot, bringing your left arm up to the sky and the left foot behind the right foot for balance keeping your hips lifted off the ground.
  • Rotate back to center and repeat on the other side.
  • MOD: Keep your bottom knee bent as you rotate into your side plank.

Move 2: Isolated 2-Way Bicep Curls

  • Begin standing with your back supported against a wall.
  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps.
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position, externally rotate your arms and perform a wide bicep curl.
  • Return to center and repeat those 2 curls back to back for the allotted time.

    “16 weeks of Home Workout Domination (I did it twice). SAME WEIGHT – less inches! I’m moving on to Lioness, and I can’t wait to see my results!” -Theresa V.

Move 3: Cross Cross Squat

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, engage your core and shoot your booty back behind you as though you were going to sit on a chair – keeping the weight in your heels and chest up.
  • Power through your heels to a standing position.
  • Drive your right knee up and across your midline, rotating your torso as you bring your left elbow to meet your knee; repeat on the other leg and then back to the squat and repeat.
  • MOD: Squat down to a chair to help cue you with good form in your squat so you’re not loading all your weight forward or bending at the waist.


Walking Plank to Mountain Climber (1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Brace your core and lower yourself down to your elbows one arm at a time and then back up.
  • Repeat 2 rounds and once you’re back in your tall plank, perform 4 mountain climbers by running your knees in toward your chest and back out, one at a time. Repeat from the walking plank.
  • MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface.

Way to show up for yourself today! Check in and let me and Coach Amanda know how you liked the workout – we love hearing from you!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Check out Home Workout Domination for a total home workout program that uses minimal equipment and will get you on track to feeling and looking your best!

Get started today!


The post Upper Body Strength and Sculpt Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Ab Shred https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-ab-shred-2/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-ab-shred-2/#respond Mon, 05 Jul 2021 14:24:48 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5065667 Get ready to shred your upper body and abs with this fun superset workout! Today you will be...

The post Upper Body and Ab Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Get ready to shred your upper body and abs with this fun superset workout!

Today you will be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers.

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

She will take you through some of her favorite upper body and core moves that will have you feeling so strong (and sweaty) by the end of this workout!

Grab some weighted objects – think water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells and an elevated surface and join Coach Amanda to rock your workout! 

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Abs Shred

Click here for detailed written form notes and move explanations.

Equipment: Weighted Object (water bottles, household objects, dumbbells), Optional Elevated Surface

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat food 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Slow Burpees w High Knees (1:00)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • With your core engaged, perform a push up by lowering yourself down to the ground (keep your lats engaged and your shoulders away from your ears) and then press yourself back up to a tall plank.  
  • Jump or step your feet back to the outside of your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to stand or jum to standing.
  • Once standing, run your knees in toward your chest and back out one at a time and repeat the burpee to high knee complex back and forth.
  • MOD: Perform this movement with your hands on an inclined surface, like a chair, couch or ottoman. You can also take the impact out entirely by stepping back and forth rather than jumping, and coming up to a body squat rather than a jump.

Move 2: Overhead Triceps Extensions (8-12)

  • Begin standing or kneeling, holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position. 
  • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward. 

Move 3: Bent Over Row to Reverse Fly (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to center and perform a row by pulling the weights up to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • Return to center and repeat. 

Finisher: 5 Negative Rows to 5 Push Ups x2

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weights up to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles. Hold the weights in your row position and let the weight slowly bring your arms down. 
  • After 5 repetitions, bend your knees to set the weights down and perform 5 push ups focusing on engaging your lats and repeat

Vanilla ProteinSuperset 2

Move 1: Squat Thrust to Knee Drive (0:45)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • Jump or step your feet back into your hands and come back to standing, loading your weight in your heels and using your momentum to power you up into a jump.
  • Once standing, drive your left knee up and across your body as you drive your elbow down to crunch in the middle. Repeat with the other side and then repeat entire sequence. 
  • MOD: Perform this movement with your hands on an inclined surface, like a chair, couch or ottoman. You can also take the impact out entirely by stepping back and forth rather than jumping, and coming up to a body squat rather than a jump.

Move 2: Superwoman Lifts to Trap Activators (0:45)

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your lower back and glute strength.
  • As you lift your body off the mat, draw your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms, and lower both arms and legs back to the starting position.
  • MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.

” I started with the 30 day make fat cry challenge last February and had so much fun and success. Today I signed up for the Rocking Abs & Booty challenge! I have been following Betty Rocker work outs for a long time! With your work outs I have lost 24 lbs! I am so excited to be apart of this group.” – Veronica S. Rock Your Life member

Move 3: Curl to Press (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand (palms facing each other).
  • Keeping your shoulders pulled back, curl the weights to your shoulders and then press straight up over head keeping your palms facing each other. 
  • Slowly lower the weight back down to your chest and reverse the curl with control. 


Max Push Ups (modify as needed)

  • Perform as many push ups as you can from a challenging position where you can maintain good form. 
  • Once you can no longer keep good form or perform any more, move to a more modified position and do as many as you can from that position. 

Amazing job Rockstar! Check in and let Coach Amanda and me know how you liked the workout and where you did it from. We love hearing from you!

How about new workouts to do daily, from anywhere?

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

…in my epic home gym that has new classes every week30-day Challenges to keep you on track with a program, your own personal workout library, over 300 healthy recipes, an exclusive support group, access to the Team Betty Rocker coaches, and so much more!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

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Upper Body and Core Domination https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-domination/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-domination/#respond Mon, 07 Jun 2021 13:26:28 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5064798 I love a good upper body and abs workout! Building upper body strength makes me feel so confident,...

The post Upper Body and Core Domination appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


I love a good upper body and abs workout!

Building upper body strength makes me feel so confident, accomplished, and ready to take on anything.

In this routine – and in any strength-training routine – using modifications or lower impact versions is a smart way to safely build your strength.

Learn the moves, learn the form, and work within your limits as you get stronger.

Do not tell yourself you’re failing or “not doing enough” because you’re doing a variation/mod. Showing up and doing YOUR workout is the right way to do the workout.

Listen to your body and support yourself as you progress. It’s not a competition, it’s a practice. Remember, we’re here for the long haul and to build a strong fitness foundation for years to come!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Domination

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Object (water bottles, household objects, dumbbells), Optional Elevated Surface
Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Burpees (0:30)

  • Begin standing with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders). Jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • Keeping your core engaged, bring your body all the way down to the ground until your chest and thighs touch the ground.
  • Powerfully press yourself back up to a tall plank position and then jump or step your feet back up towards your hands. 
  • Load your weight in your heels and powerfully drive up to a jump.
  • MOD: Do this on an elevated surface and step your feet in and out for a lower impact movement.

Move 2: Chest Press to Reverse Crunch (8-12)

  • Start lying on the ground with legs bent and heels planted firmly, with your lower back making contact with the mat. 
  • Hold your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until your arms reach 90 degrees and then press the weights back up to return to your starting position and repeat for the allotted reps.
  • Maintaining the contact of your lower back with the mat, lift your legs up toward the ceiling for a reverse crunch. Option to do this with your knees bent (helps as you’re building core strength) or legs straight.
  • Slowly lower back down, plant your feet and repeat.

Finisher: Cross Punch Crescent Kick (0:30)

  • Come into a fighter stance with your left foot slightly in front of your right, and get light on your feet.
  • Punch forward with your left arm, then punch forward with your right arm, pivoting the back right foot slightly to give you plenty of core support as you punch. Rest your hands in soft fists up by your face as you prepare for the kicks.
  • Kick with your back leg in front and across your body, imagining that you’re drawing a crescent with your foot (as high as you’re comfortable with).
  • Switch your front and back foot so your left foot is back and crescent kick with your left.
  • MOD: Keep your knee bent and draw the crescent with your knee. This is a great way to see how tight your hips are, and if one is tighter than the other.

Superset 2

Move 1: Reverse Fly to Bent Row Kickback (8-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to center and perform a row by pulling the weights up to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • While in this row position perform a tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back and contracting your triceps.
  • Return to center and repeat. 

Move 2: Half Curl to External Rotation (8-12)

  • Begin standing, holding your weighted objects in hand, turn your palms out to face in front of you and pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a half bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up toward your shoulders and stopping at 90 degrees (ending palms facing the ceiling).
  • Keeping your arms in this 90 degree position and elbows close to your body, externally rotate your arms by pulling the weights out laterally.  
  • Reverse the movement to return to the center in your 90 degree position and then reverse to your starting position and repeat. 

Finisher: Jack Press (0:30)

  • Start standing with feet together and your arms upright at a 90 degree angle position, pulling your shoulders back and down.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you press your arms straight up while maintaining an active back. 
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arms back down to your starting position and repeat. Really focus on keeping your shoulder blades pulling back through the whole movement.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while pressing your arms overhead. 

Superset 3

Move 1: 2 Push Ups to 4 Mountains Climbers (0:30)

  • Begin in a tall plank, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Lower yourself toward the mat bending your elbows, keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Keeping your core engaged, powerfully press back up and away from the floor to return to your starting position and repeat for 2 repetitions.
  • Return to your tall plank and perform 4 mountain climbers by running your knees in toward your chest and back out, one at a time. 
  • Repeat 2 pushups and 4 mountain climbers, back to back to the allotted time. 
  • MOD: Perform this with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface, or transition between kneeling push ups and plank pose mountain climbers.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Move 2: Cross Punch to Side Kick (1:00)

  • Come into a fighter stance, facing toward the right side of your mat. Punch to the right with your right arm, then punch across your body toward the right with your left arm, pivoting the back right foot slightly to give you plenty of core support as you punch. Rest your hands in soft fists up by your face as you prepare for the kick.
  • Powerfully kick your right leg straight out to the right side by first lifting the knee up and then driving through the heel, as if you were kicking a door shut. 
  • Repeat all on one side and then switch sides. 
  • Optional: Hold light weighted objects in each hand.

Finisher: Up and Down Squat Punches (0:45)

  • Begin standing with your feet about hip distance, toes turned out to mirror your knee alignment, and core engaged.
  • Send your hips back for a squat as if you were sitting down to a chair, keeping your chest up tall and weight back in your heels, and knees tracking with your toes. Powerfully drive up squeezing the glutes as you come back to the start position.
  • As you lower in and out of your squat, punch your arms across your body one at a time, letting the power come from your core.
  • MOD: Squat down to a chair or elevated surface.
  • Optional: Hold light weighted objects in each hand.

You are so STRONG! Be sure to check in with me and let me know how you liked the workout and tell me why you like to train!

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Upper Body and Core Domination appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Circuits https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-circuits/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-circuits/#respond Mon, 17 May 2021 13:23:56 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5064420 Join me today for this awesome upper body and core workout, where we’ll do some of my favorite...

The post Upper Body and Core Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Join me today for this awesome upper body and core workout, where we’ll do some of my favorite arm-sculpting and core-strengthening moves!

Strength training, also known as resistance training, is an essential component of any fitness routine.  Regularly working out the muscles in your arms, back, chest, and shoulders is vital to keeping your upper body strong and giving your muscles definition.

But the benefits of strength training extend far beyond toned, defined muscles.

Building strength in your upper body not only makes daily tasks easier to perform, but it also helps increase bone density and improve posture.

Today’s workout can be done anywhere, anytime, with just a few weighted objects. You can get creative here – I usually use dumbbells, but you can use just about anything with some weight to it like water bottles, laundry or water jugs.

Now join me, and let’s get super strong with these circuits!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Circuits

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells)
Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Pushup to Plank Jack (8-12) 

  • Begin in a tall plank position, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged (no arched back).
  • Perform a push-up by lowering yourself down to the ground keeping your elbows pointing behind you, back flat, core engaged, and spine neutral. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Bring yourself all the way down to the ground and while keeping your core engaged, press back up to your starting position.
  • Once you’re back up in your all plank position, keeping your hips flat and jump both feet out laterally to land with your feet spread apart. 
  • Brace your core to jump your feet back in and repeat, starting with your push up.
  • MOD: Place your hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) and perform an incline pushup.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Move 2: Jump Rope (0:30) 

  • Begin in a standing position with bent elbows and hold your jump rope in your hands with the rope behind you. (If you don’t have a jump rope, hold your hands at a 90 degree angle from your elbows as if you did).
  • Bend your knees and power off the balls of your feet while you loop the jump rope around your body and underneath your feet in a circular motion.
  • As you land and jump, do so from the balls of your feet and in a relaxed position without tensing your shoulders or arms. 
  • MOD: Rather than jumping up and down, do a fast step touch, step touch in and out. Alternatively do calf raises in place – recommended to hold the wall or a chair back for balance.

Move 3: Bicycle Crunches (0:30)

  • Begin lying on your back with your legs bent, feet on the ground pressed firmly against the floor and your core engaged. 
  • Bring your hands behind your head without pulling your head forward.
  • Contract your abdominals by bringing your chest forward and rotating at the torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground and repeat with your left elbow to right knee.
  • Be sure your lower back stays in contact with the mat throughout this movement.
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent and feet on the floor and just crunch your upper body. 

Superset 2

Move 1: Biceps Curl to Arnold Press (8-12) 

  • Begin standing and holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, curl the weights up to your shoulders ending with your palms facing you.
  • From this position, press your arms up to a 90 degree position in front of you with your palms facing you. 
  • Externally rotate your arms out by pulling your shoulder blades together to end in a 90 degree position almost like a goal post (palms will face outward at this point) and then press your arms straight up over your head.
  • Reverse the movement to end in the position you started in and repeat for each repetition. 

Move 2: Mountain Climbers (0:30)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hands on the edge of a couch or table.

Move 3: Triceps Dips (or Extensions) (8-12)

  • Begin sitting on the edge of an elevated surface (box, chair or step) with your hands right next to your sides and facing forward.
  • Keeping your hands on the box, shift yourself forward so you’re not sitting on the elevated surface but rather hovering right in front. 
  • Bend your knees and pull your shoulder blades down and back to engage between your shoulders. This will help keep your chest open and keep pressure off of your shoulders. The more you bend your knees, the easier this will be.
  • Keeping your body close to the elevated surface, bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down until your arms are close to 90 degrees, and then press back up to your starting position.
  • MOD: Perform overhead triceps extensions by holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead and slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.

Looking for some form tips and support for training your body for maximum results and minimum setbacks?

Check out my free Foundations of Functional Fitness series. Take a different 15-minute class each day for 2 weeks in this helpful tutorial series that will take you through upgrading your form on moves like squats, lunges, pushing and pulling moves, and so much more! Designed to be done alongside any workout program you’re already doing.

Superset 3

Move 1: Reverse Fly to Row (8-12) 

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to center and perform a row by pulling the weights up to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • Return to the center again and repeat the fly to row sequence for the allotted time. 

Move 2: High Knees (0:30)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest upright.
  • Run your knees up toward your chest one at a time in a fast running motion, using your core to pull your legs up. 
  • MOD: Take the hop out and one at a time bring your knees to your chest, using your core to lead the movement. 

Move 3: Superwoman Lift to Hold (0:30)

  • Begin lying on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your posterior chain.
  • Hold this position for the allotted time, focusing on keeping your shoulders down and your arms lifted. 
  • MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Share this with a friend who would like it, and post your comments, check ins and questions below!

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Upper Body and Core Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Blast https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-blast/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-blast/#respond Mon, 10 May 2021 14:00:55 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5064386 Get ready to strengthen your upper body and blast your core with me today in this fun supersets...

The post Upper Body and Core Blast appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Get ready to strengthen your upper body and blast your core with me today in this fun supersets workout!

When approaching upper body training, I like to really focus on balance in the front and back, and train muscles that work in opposing directions (like your biceps and triceps, or your chest and back for example).  You can do this in the same workout, or you can do it on non-consecutive training days that you’re working your upper body.

This helps support your posture and alignment and keeps you strong, supports your joints, and helps you move efficiently. Since your core is so connected to every move you make with your arms, integrating it into your workout today also supports functional movement patterns.

And speaking of “functional” have you taken my free 14 day Foundations of Fitness series yet? You can sign up for it right here and do it alongside any workout program.

You get a series of 15 minute classes with me where I’ll go over how to support and stabilize your rotator cuff, break down prime movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, pushups and more, and just get the chance to spend some quality time sharing tips that will help you have a long lasting fitness practice, and feel stronger and more confident not only in every workout you do, but your daily life as well.

Let’s get to today’s workout! As always, I’ve got great options to make this work without anything fancy so you can do it anywhere you are – just follow along and I’ll show you how.

Ready? Press play and let’s get sweating!

One-off workouts are great, but having a plan to follow is even better! Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Blast

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells)
Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Superset 1

Move 1: Jack Cross Punch  (0:45)

  • Begin standing with feet together and your hands close to your chest in a punching position.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you punch your right arm straight across your body. 
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arm back in and as you jump your feet back out, punch your left arm straight out. 
  • Repeat back and forth. 
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while punching your arms out in front of you. 

Move 2: Incline Pushup to Spinal Balance Crunch (8-12) 

  • Begin in a tall plank position on an elevated surface, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged (no arched back).
  • Perform a push-up by lowering yourself down to the ground keeping your elbows pointing behind you, back flat, core engaged, and spine neutral.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders away from your ears, press back up and away from the floor or elevated surface to return to your starting position.
  • From your tall plank position, extend your right arm out straight in front of you and your left leg out straight behind you.
  • Hold for a moment to get your balance, then draw your right elbow and left knee into your core to meet beneath your stomach for a crunch. 
  • Return to your tall plank and repeat your push up and crunch with the opposite sides.
  • MOD: Keep your hand planted and just extend one leg and then crunch it in toward your nose rather than extending your arm with it. 

Superset 2

Move 1: Skullcrusher to Floor Wipers (8-12)

  • Start lying on the ground with a weight in each hand, straight over your chest, and your legs bent at 90 degrees over hips, calves parallel to the floor.
  • Bend your elbows to lower the weights toward the top of your head to end right next to your ears while the upper arm remains perpendicular to the body.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat. (Try not to lock out your elbows at the starting position; instead, stop just shy of locked position to maintain tension in your muscle.)
  • After completing all your reps, hold the weights in your starting position with your arms straight over your chest and palms facing your feet. 
  • Straighten your legs and engage your blueberry spine by gently pressing your lower back into the floor. 
  • Brace your core and lift your legs up toward your weights and to the right. 
  • Slowly lower your legs back down and repeat on the left. 
  • Keep your hips on the floor the entire time so you’re not rocking your hips up.
  • MOD: Keep your legs bent as you lift your legs.

Move 2: Superwoman with Trap Activator (0:45)

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your lower back and glute strength.
  • As you lift your body off the mat, draw your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms, and lower both arms and legs back to the starting position.
  • MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.
  • Optional: Hold weighted objects in each hand for added resistance.

Move 3: Jack Press (0:30)

  • Start standing with feet together and your arms upright at a 90 degree angle position, pulling your shoulders back and down.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you press your arms straight up while maintaining an active back. 
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arms back down to your starting position and repeat. Really focus on keeping your shoulder blades pulling back through the whole movement.
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while pressing your arms overhead. 

Superset 3

Move 1: 3-Way Raise (8-12)  

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists. 
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and then raise the weights straight up in front of your body for a front raise, ending with your palms facing the ground.. 
  • Slowly bring them down again to center and with your palms facing behind you, use your back muscles to pull the weight straight back.
  • Bring our weights back to center and repeat the lateral raise to front raise and back pull.

Move 2: 2-Way Knee Drivers R/L (0:30 each side) 

  • Start with your left foot behind you and your right arm overhead.
  • Drive your left knee up and across your body as you drive your elbow down to crunch in the middle and repeat for 5 repetitions. 
  • Next, with the same leg, open your hip and drive your left knee to the left elbow for a side body crunch. Perform 5 repetitions again and then repeat the entire series for 4 rounds each way and then switch legs. 
  • MOD: Hold onto a wall or chair back for support

How did you do? Check in below and let me know! Share this with a friend, and keep me posted on your progress!

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Upper Body and Core Blast appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body Strength Shred https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-shred/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-strength-shred/#respond Mon, 08 Mar 2021 14:30:56 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5063101 Ready to rock your upper body? Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker has you covered.  If you’ve never...

The post Upper Body Strength Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Ready to rock your upper body? Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker has you covered.  If you’ve never worked out with her before, you’re going to have so much fun!

In just six moves you’ll focus on building strength, sculpting lean muscle and tuning into your body and form. This workout will sculpt your chest, back, and arms, supporting a strong core and excellent posture.

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

Keep reading to learn more about the workout Coach Amanda has for you below.

Hey girl, Coach Amanda here and I’m so excited for you to join me in this super fun and challenging workout. For this workout we will be working for time using weighted objects and focusing on muscle endurance while maintaining good form.

Resistance training is one of my favorite ways to train because it not only makes you stronger but it’s shown to improve sleep (1) and mental health (2), and as an added bonus, you walk away feeling like a rockstar! Regular strength training has also been shown to be one of the best ways to define and sculpt your body (3).

So grab your weights and lets get strong and shredded together!

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Take my workout quiz and find out!

Upper Body Strength Shred

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Elevated Surface, Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells)
Format: Perform each move for 0:40, resting for 0:20 seconds and repeat each move for 3 rounds. 

Superset 1

Move 1: 3 Point Row

  • Begin standing with a weighted object in one hand.
  • With a surface in front of you, take one leg back into a lunge position and place your opposite hand on the surface in front of you.
  • Hinge at the hips to a 90 degree position with your core engaged, gaze neutral and weight hanging beneath your chest.
  • Roll your shoulder blades down and back so you’re not rounding forward and then pull the weight up to your side while keeping your elbow close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • Slowly lower the weight down again to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Move 2: Tricep Press Ups

  • Begin lying on your stomach with your hands placed right next to your chest and your elbows tight to your body. 
  • Ensure your shoulder blades are pulled down so your shoulders are away from your ears. 
  • Keeping your hips on the ground, press yourself up until your arms are a little past 90 degrees, making sure you’re not locking out your elbows. 
  • Slowly lower yourself back down, almost to the ground and then press back up. Try not to let yourself relax at the bottom but rather keep tension on your triceps the entire time. 

For wholesome supplements to support your active lifestyle, check out the Whole Betty by Betty Rocker collection!


Move 3: Chest Fly to Pullover

  • Begin lying on your back on the ground and holding your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended and palms facing each other while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows and keeping your shoulders pulled away from your ears, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest. 
  • Bring your arms back together over your chest and the with the weights together and with control, let your arms stretch toward the wall behind you for a lat pullover.
  • Brace your core and use your lats to pull the weights back up to your starting position and repeat.

Superset 2 

Move 1: 2 Way Curl

  • Holding your weighted objects in hand, turn your palms out to face in front of you and pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (ending palms facing you).
  • Reverse the movement to return to the starting position, externally rotate your arms, keeping your elbows by your sides to perform a wide bicep curl. 
  • Return to center and repeat a regular and wide curl back to back.

Move 2: Overhead Press

“I have used your programs since January 2019, when I started the 30 day challenge. Today I am sharing my day 1 of the 30 day challenge photo and photo take today. It has been slow and steady progress for me, but I am super happy with all of my changes so far!” – Angela
  • Begin standing with one weight in each hand with your arms up in a goal post position, arms at 90 degrees.
  • Keeping your shoulders pulled back and down and your core engaged, drive the weights straight up overhead. 
  • Slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat.

Move 3: Reverse Fly

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to center and one at a time, lift each arm for a single side reverse fly. 


Pick 2 movements from above and perform back to back for 0:45 each.

Amazing job! Be sure to check in  Coach Amanda and me below and let us know how you liked this workout and what move was your favorite.


  1. Kovacevic, Ana et al. “The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.” Sleep Medicine Reviews. June 2018. Web. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28919335/
  2. Strickland, Justin C. and Smith, Mark A. “The anxiolytic effects of resistance exercise.” Front Psychol. July 2014. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4090891/
  3. Lewis, Leslie H. et al. “Effects of aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese adults.” Journal of Applied Physiology. December 2012. Web. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23019316/ 

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Upper Body and Core Supersets https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-supersets/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-supersets/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 16:14:22 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5061864 Get ready to enjoy this low impact sculpt for your upper body and core! We will be targeting...

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Get ready to enjoy this low impact sculpt for your upper body and core!

We will be targeting your back, shoulders and arms with moves like biceps curls, shoulder presses and rows and sculpting a strong core with planks and floor wipers to name a few!

Today we’ll be focusing on our posture and alignment and talk about building healthy habits both on, and off the mat.

You deserve to have a long, healthy life in a fit body you love and it’s about more than exercising ❤

As always, I’ve got great options to make this work without anything fancy so you can do it anywhere you are – just follow along and I’ll show you how.

Now let’s check off your workout for the day!

Upper Body and Core Supersets

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted objects (water bottles, dumbbells, etc) and an elevated surface.

Format: Perform each superset for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds. Rest as needed.  

Superset 1

Move 1: Arnold Press (8-12)

  • Begin in a standing position with weights in each hand.
  • Engage your core and bring your arms to a 90 degree position in front of you with your palms facing you.
  • While pressing up, externally rotate your arms out and up with the dumbbells and finishing with the weights straight over your head (palms will face outward at this point).
  • Reverse the movement by drawing your arms back down and ending in the position you started in.
  • MOD: Do one arm at a time. 

Move 2: Floor Wipers (10 each side)

  • Begin lying on your back holding your weights straight in the air over your chest and palms facing your feet and legs out straight. 
  • Tuck your pelvis and engage your blueberry spine by gently pressing your lower back into the floor. 
  • Brace your core and lift your legs up toward your weights and to the right. 
  • Slowly lower your legs back down and repeat on the left. 
  • Keep your hips on the floor the entire time so you’re not rocking your hips up.
  • MOD: Keep your legs bent as you lift your legs.

Superset 2

Move 1: Tricep Row to Kickback (8-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the hips into a chair pose, pull your shoulder blades down and back so they’re not rounding forward, allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weights to your sides, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • While in this row position perform a tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back.
  • Bring your weights back down to the row position and repeat the tricep kickback for the prescribed repetitions. 

Move 2: Wall Isolated Single Arm Curls (8-12 each side)

  • Begin standing with your back supported against a wall
  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, core engaged, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with one arm by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (palms facing you).
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat on the other side.

Vanilla Protein

Superset 3

Move 1: Rotating Plank Push Up with Hip Dip Crunch (10-12)

“I started with the makefatcry 30 day challenge, and then did the 90 day challenge immediately following. I feel so much stronger. Initially it was impossible to get up off the ground without using my hands after having my baby. Now I can do reverse burpees! I signed up for the Bikini Body Challenge (in Rock Your Life).” – Courtney K.
  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Rotate to one side, bringing one arm up to the sky and your leg extended out.
  • Drop your hip down towards the ground, keeping your core engaged. When you come back up, bend your knee and your arm, drawing them together to do a side crunch.
  • Come back to a tall plank and perform two push ups by lowering yourself down toward the mat, bending your elbows and keeping your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Once back in your tall plank position, repeat the hip dip crunch on the other side.
  • MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface or from a kneeling position.

Move 2: 3 point DB Row (8-12 each side)

  • Begin standing with a weighted object in one hand.
  • With a surface in front of you, take one leg back into a lunge position and place your opposite hand on the surface in front of you.
  • Hinge at the hips to a 90 degree position with your core engaged, gaze neutral and weight hanging beneath your chest.
  • Roll your shoulder blades down and back so you’re not rounding forward and then pull the weight up to your side while keeping your elbow close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • Slowly lower the weight down again to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Thank you so much for joining me for today’s workout Rockstar – you are amazing!! Be sure to check in below and let me know how you liked the workout and if you had any insights.

Rock Your Body with one of my Signature Meal Plans or Workout Plans!

No matter what goals are, I have a plan for you to help you be the fittest, strongest, leanest version of yourself! I’m here to support on your health and fitness journey.

The post Upper Body and Core Supersets appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Day 3: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs, Back and Arms Blast (low impact) https://thebettyrocker.com/day-3-5-day-home-workout-challenge-abs-back-and-arms-blast/ https://thebettyrocker.com/day-3-5-day-home-workout-challenge-abs-back-and-arms-blast/#respond Wed, 06 Jan 2021 20:14:57 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5060558 Ready to keep the momentum going with Day 3 of the 5-Day Home Workout Challenge? It’s a low-impact back,...

The post Day 3: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs, Back and Arms Blast (low impact) appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Ready to keep the momentum going with Day 3 of the 5-Day Home Workout Challenge? It’s a low-impact back, abs and arms workout to strengthen your upper body!

(Here are Day 1 and Day 2 of the challenge if you haven’t had a chance to do them yet ) 

In the beginning of  today’s class, I’m checking in about your health habits. We are focusing on our workouts in this challenge to be sure, but there are other important aspects of your health that will make these workouts pay off even more.

Today is also Day 3 of our Rock Your Life 30-day Warrior Woman Challenge – in fact, you have done the first 3 workouts of this 30-day challenge with me!

Take a look at the calendar – this is how far along we all are, right along with you! Just wanted to let you know, because you can join us for the rest of this challenge, and even get a 30-day trial so you have plenty of space to see how my online home workout studio (and challenges) suit you!

Find today’s NUTRITION CHALLENGE just below today’s workout, plus an inspiring story from someone who created real success with her consistent application of these workouts!

Ok, ready to go? Let’s focus on our that upper body strength today with an inspired workout for you ABS, BACK and ARMS! 


Today I’d like you to pay attention to your water intake. Staying hydrated is super important, especially while training. Dehydration causes muscle fatigue and cramping, and makes it harder for your body to thermoregulate (maintain body temperature).

70-75% of muscle is made up of water, and staying hydrated is essential to proper muscle function. Water transports the carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and oxygen to your cells – which produces the energy we need to function (and exercise!). Water is vital for the body’s detoxification pathways, helping to carry waste products and excess nutrients through the kidneys.

Excess caffeine intake (and alcohol), as well as processed foods can have a detrimental impact on your hydration levels, so be mindful of your consumption of them. You can tell you’re hydrated by checking your urine – it should be pale yellow. If it’s darker, it is a good sign you may need more water.

Since you worked out today, be sure to add some extra water! And pay attention to your intake throughout the day today to make sure you’re staying hydrated.

BONUS NUTRITION RESOURCE: 5 Steps to Glowing Skin and Shiny Hair

If this feels like YOUR year to get on track with your health and fitness goals, I invite you to join us in Rock Your Life, where this 5-day challenge will continue all month with the 30-day Woman Warrior Challenge!

If you’re participating now, you’ll be right on schedule to carry on with us next Monday!

And once you finish rocking this challenge, you can keep your progress going by taking another challenge (we have dozens to choose from) or take classes – either the new classes we share 5 days a week, or choose from that awesome class library I mentioned earlier!

Check out Crystal’s amazing progress using challenges in Rock Your Life. Once you build a habit like this, it’s a lot easier to stick to when you have fun plans and programs at your fingertips, plus the motivation and support of your coaches and our women’s fitness community!

NO PRESSURE – I just wanted to share that I have this available, it’s super affordable (you can take a 30-day trial for $1, and then if you stay, it’s less than a $1 a day!) and it would be a perfect follow up to this 5 day challenge.

These workouts get results, and we’re not into the “all or nothing” or “no days off” or fast fix junk. We want you to get sustainable, healthy results that LAST – and that comes from building healthy habits, having good support, and learning strategies that you can adapt to your unique life.

Click here to secure your spot in Rock Your Life and continue the Woman Warrior Challenge for all 30 days!

Abs, Back and Arms Blast (low impact)

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells)
Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Move 1: Down Dog to Alternating Knee Drive (1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and your shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Press your hips back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the floor.
  • Shift back to your tall plank position, engaging your core and flattening your hips. As you shift forward, smoothly bring your right knee out toward your right elbow for a side crunch.
  • Return your leg back to start in your plank position and repeat the full movement, alternating each knee for a side crunch.
  • MOD: Perform this move with your hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch).

Move 2: Half Squat to Rotating Press (8-12)

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width distance apart, holding weighted objects in your hands with your palms facing you.
  • With your core engaged and your shoulder blades pulled back and down, shoot your booty back behind you as though you were going to sit on a chair – keeping the weight in your heels and chest up.
  • As you stand, keeping your core engaged and driving through your heels, pivot your right foot and press the weighted object in your right hand straight up and across your body up.
  • Return to your starting position and repeat on the other side.

Move 3: Bird Dog Crunch (8-12  each side) 

  • Begin in a kneeling tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your hands and your core engaged.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg, keeping your core engaged and not allowing your hips to rotate.
  • Bring your right elbow to meet your left knee below your body, coming into a crunch.
  • Do all reps on one side and then switch sides and repeat on the other side.
  • MOD: Keeping both hands on the mat, extend just your leg behind you and crunch it in below your body.
  • Optional: Hold light weighted objects in each hand.

Move 4: Rotating Plank Push Up (1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Rotate to one side, bringing one arm up to the sky and one foot slightly behind the other.
  • Come back to a tall plank and perform a push up by lowering yourself down toward the mat, bending your elbows and keeping your shoulders away from your ears. 
  • Once back in your tall plank position, repeat the rotating plank on the other side.
  • MOD: Perform this move from an elevated surface or from a kneeling position. 

Move 5: Reverse Fly to Row (8-12 each way) 

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, gaze neutral, with your shoulders down and back so they’re not rounding forward and allow your weights to hang beneath your chest.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly bring the weights back beneath your chest.
  • Pull the weights to your sides for a row, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together. 
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat the fly and row combination.

Move 6: Squat Thrust High Pull Row (0:30-0:45)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall and weighted objects in each hand.
  • Bend your knees slightly and place your weights on the floor in front of you.
  • Step or jump your feet back to a tall plank, keeping your core tight and back flat, gaze about 6 inches in front of you for a neutral spine.
  • Jump or step your feet back to your hands, loading your weight in your heels. 
  • As you stand, drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes while pulling your weighted objects up and back (close to your body), leading with your elbows for a high pull row. Notice the muscles working between your shoulder blades.
  • MOD: Remove the weights and perform this movement with your hands on an inclined surface, like a chair, couch or ottoman.

Amazing job! Be sure to check in below, and I’ll see you tomorrow for Day 4- ABS-olute Core and MOBILITY! 

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Day 3: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs, Back and Arms Blast (low impact) appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Core Sculpt https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-sculpt/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-sculpt/#respond Fri, 18 Dec 2020 15:26:51 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5061215 Get ready to sculpt your upper body and abs at home today with Coach Roz from Team Betty...

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Get ready to sculpt your upper body and abs at home today with Coach Roz from Team Betty Rocker!

This is such a fun workout that will have you feeling good and training lots of key stabilizing muscles to support good posture and overall strength.

Coach Roz is a NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified IIN Health Coach, PSA rated Figure Skating Coach and a Team Betty Rocker Coach. 

Her workout classes are super popular in Rock Your Life, our online home workout studio, and I’m excited to share this workout with you today!

Here’s a message from Coach Roz:

Hey Rockstar, Coach Roz here bringing you a super fun Upper Body and Core workout! Upper body and core training is such an important part of building a strong and balanced physique.

In this workout we will be using compound sets, combining two different exercises that target the same muscle group to really optimize our strength. I love using compound sets because they are a great way to get a quick and super effective workout in.

For this workout we will be working within the 10-12 rep range so using weighted objects that allow you to work within that range is ideal. If you are struggling to maintain proper form and get all 10 reps completed, you should decrease your weight and keep focusing on your form.

If you can easily do more reps beyond 12, increase your resistance so you can continue to build your strength.

Grab your weighted objects and let’s crush this! 

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells) 

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds.

Set 1:

Move 1: Bent Row (10-12)

  • Begin standing with your weighted objects in hand. 
  • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 angle with your core engaged, gaze neutral and weights hanging beneath your chest.
  • Roll your shoulder blades down and back so you’re not rounding forward and then pull the weights to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles.
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat.

Move 2: Reverse Fly (10-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Move 3: Weighted Toe Touch (10-15)

  • Lay flat on your back with your arms and legs straight up toward the ceiling with a weight in your hands and your core engaged by gently pressing your low back into the mat.
  • Using your abs to sit up, lift your chest toward the ceiling and reach your weight toward your toes.
  • Slowly bring yourself back to a lying position and repeat.
  • Focus on lifting your chest rather than just rounding your shoulders forward.
  • MOD: Perform this exercise without the weight. 

Support your active lifestyle with clean, wholesome supplements from Whole Betty by Betty Rocker!

Set 2: 

Move 1: Hammer Curl (10-12)

  • Begin standing, holding your weighted objects with your palms by your sides, facing you. Pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a hammer curl by contracting your biceps and curling the weight up to your shoulders.
  • Reverse the movement to return your arms down by your sides.

Move 2: Wide Bicep Curl (10-12)

  • Begin standing, holding your weighted objects with your palms by your sides, facing out. Pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl by contracting your biceps and curling the weight up to the outside of your shoulders.

Move 3: Reverse Crunch (10-15)

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the ground, and core engaged.
  • With your knees staying bent, bring your knees toward your chest and lift your hips slightly off the ground using your lower abs. 
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground to lightly tap your heels to the ground and repeat.

Set 3: 

Move 1: Push Up (10-12)

  • Begin in a tall plank, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged.
  • Lower yourself toward the mat by bending your elbows, keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows shooting back behind you. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Keeping your core engaged and your shoulders away from your ears, powerfully press back up and away from the floor or elevated surface to return to your starting position.
  • MOD: Perform the push up with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface. Alternatively, remain on the mat, but in a kneeling, or single knee down position.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Move 2: Chest Fly (10-12)

  • Begin lying on your back on the ground and holding your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended and palms facing each other while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows and keeping your shoulders pulled away from your ears, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest. 
  • Bring your arms back together over your chest and repeat.

Move 3: Wide Crunch (10-15)

  • Begin lying on your back with your legs bent, feet on the ground and out slightly wider than hip width distance with your core engaged.
  • Using your abs to sit up, lift your chest toward the ceiling and reach for your toes to perform a crunch but not quite coming to a full sit up.
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground and repeat.

Set 4: 

“Today I also celebrate 6 months since I started my journey with Bree…My point is: don’t be discouraged, changes take time, keep taking those pictures and you will see a difference. Small changes month by month will make for a big change over time.” – Francesca, Rock Your Life Member

Move 1: Overhead Tricep Extension (10-12)

  • Begin standing, holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position. 
  • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward. 

Move 2: Triceps Dips (10-12)

  • Begin sitting on the edge of an elevated surface (box, chair or step) with your hands right next to your sides and facing forward.
  • Keeping your hands on the box and shift yourself forward so you’re not sitting on the elevated surface but rather right in front. 
  • Bend your knees and pull your shoulder blades down and back to engage between your shoulders. This will help keep your chest open and keep pressure off of your shoulders. The more you bend your knees, the easier this will be.
  • Keeping your body close to the elevated surface, bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down until your arms are close to 90 degrees, and then press back up to your starting position.

Move 3: Bicycle Crunch (10-15)

  • Begin lying on your back with your legs bent, feet on the ground pressed firmly against the floor and your core engaged. 
  • Bring your hands behind your head without pulling your head forward.
  • Contract your abdominals by bringing your chest forward and rotating at the torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
  • Slowly and gently lower yourself back toward the ground and repeat with your left elbow to right knee.
  • Be sure your lower back stays in contact with the mat throughout this movement.

You rocked that workout! Be sure to check in and let me and Coach Roz know how you’re doing today – we love hearing from you!

The 30 Day Challenge Meal Plan includes all the recipes and grocery lists for breakfasts, smoothies, sides, snacks and entrees for 4 full weeks – with plenty of delicious options and structure to help you eat right for YOUR life!

Save time and make this your own with everything all mapped out so you can shop and prep with ease – with 3 options for how to do your prep – all at once (batch), not much at all (minimal), or a flexible option in the middle called hybrid that lets you do some prep, and also cook on the fly.

Never run out of healthy eating options again!


The post Upper Body and Core Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Abs Super Circuits https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-super-circuits/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-super-circuits/#respond Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:46:26 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5060265 Strengthen your arms and tone your abs in just one workout with these fun and challenging super circuits!...

The post Upper Body and Abs Super Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Strengthen your arms and tone your abs in just one workout with these fun and challenging super circuits!

These 8 moves will target you upper body and core, using a combination of cardio to feel the burn and strength building moves to work those muscles.

As always, I’ve got great options to make this work without anything fancy so you can do it anywhere you are – just follow along and I’ll show you how.

Remember workouts are just part of the equation when it comes to getting healthy and fit, but they are important, so stay consistent!

Now join me to #stopdropandbettyrock!

Did you enjoy this workout? Then you will LOVE the Superwoman Shred Challenge inside of Rock Your Life! The Superwoman Shred challenge is a super fun, high energy challenge that incorporates resistance training, Barre workouts and core strengthening. If you are looking for increased endurance, muscle definition, flexibility and range of motion, you will love this one!

Upper Body and Abs Super Circuits

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, gallon jugs, dumbbells, etc), Elevated Surface.
Format: Perform each exercise for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat each circuit for 2-3 rounds.

Circuit 1

Move 1: Down Dog to Plank (0:45)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and your shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Come into a down dog position by pressing away from your hands and shifting your hips back and up toward the ceiling to end with your head in line with your arms. (Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the floor.)
  • Shift back to your tall plank position, engaging your core and flattening your hips. 
  • Return your leg back to start in your plank position and repeat the full movement, alternating each knee for a side crunch.
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) or perform from a kneeling position.
  • Optional: As you press back into your down dog, float one leg up so it’s in line with the rest of your body from your toe to your hand. 

Move 2: Squat to Back Pull Row (0:45)

  • Start standing with your feet wider than hip distance. Allow your feet to turn out naturally.
  • Hold your weighted objects in your hands, arms hanging straight down in front of you with your shoulders back and down to counter balance the weights pulling you forward.
  • Send your hips back behind you, pulling your belly button in and up to engage your core, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
  • As you come back up to standing, drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes while pulling your elbows and weighted objects up (keeping the weights close to your body) and back evenly for a high pull row (leading with your elbows).   
  • MOD: Squat down to a chair or bench.
  • Optional: As you come out of the squat, powerfully jump up as you perform the back pull row. 

Circuit 2 

Move 1: Wall Isolated Biceps Curls (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your back supported against a wall. 
  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weights up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat. 

Move 2: Squat thrusts (8-12)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees and place your hands on the floor or elevated surface in front of you.
  • Step or jump your feet back to a tall plank, keeping your core tight and back flat, gaze about 6 inches in front of you for a neutral spine.
  • Jump or step your feet back to your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up into a jump.
  • MOD: Perform this movement with your hands on an inclined surface, like a chair, couch or ottoman. You can also take the impact out entirely by stepping back and forth rather than jumping, and coming up to a body squat rather than a jump.

Move 3: Reverse Flyes (8-12)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the hips, pull your shoulder blades down and back so they’re not rounding forward, allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your gaze neutral.
  • Brace your core and lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Circuit 3 

“Pretty much all of this is down to Betty Rocker workouts and meals! My body and mind have been completely transformed.” -Ellen M.  Rock Your Life Member

Move 1: Floor Wipers (8-12)

  • Begin lying on your back holding your weights straight over your chest and palms facing your feet and legs out straight. 
  • Tuck your pelvis and engage your blueberry spine by gently pressing your lower back into the floor. 
  • Brace your core and lift your legs up toward your weights and to the right. 
  • Slowly lower your legs back down and repeat on the left. 
  • Keep your hips on the floor the entire time so you’re not rocking your hips up.
  • MOD: Keep your legs bent as you lift your legs.

Move 2: Reverse Burpees (0:45)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • From a standing position, shoot your hips back to squat down as you sit on the floor and roll back onto your back with your knees coming back towards your chest.
  • Using momentum, swing your body forward and rock to your feet and back up to a standing position to finish with a jump (watch that your knees don’t buckle in as you stand).
  • MOD 1: When you’re learning this move, keep your hands down at your sides to support you on the jump to stand OR use a chair or elevated surface to help you stand up.
  • MOD 2: If you start to get winded take the jump out and roll back to stand or just roll back and sit back up. Either way you are getting a great core workout! 

Move 3: Standing Triceps Kickbacks (10)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up and weights in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the hips, pull your shoulder blades down and back so they’re not rounding forward, allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weights to your sides, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • While in this row position perform a tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back.
  • Bring your weights back down to the row position and repeat the tricep kickback for the prescribed repetitions. 

Awesome work Rockstar! Feel free to do some additional stretching with these amazing full body stretches. Check in with me and let me know how you liked the workout and where you did it from – I love hearing from you!

How about new workouts to do daily, from anywhere?

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

…in my epic home gym that has new classes every week30-day Challenges to keep you on track with a program, your own personal workout library, over 300 healthy recipes, an exclusive support group, access to the Team Betty Rocker coaches, and so much more!

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Upper Body and Core Pyramids https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-pyramids/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-core-pyramids/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:06:13 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5057371 Ready to strengthen your arms and tone your abs? This upper body and core workout is just what...

The post Upper Body and Core Pyramids appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Ready to strengthen your arms and tone your abs? This upper body and core workout is just what you need!

This workout is one of my favorite ways to train! It uses pyramids which are a special kind of ladder workout where we repeat a series of moves at varying time intervals making it challenging and effective.

You’ll be working out with Coach Nikki today, one of the amazing Team Betty Rocker coaches from Rock Your Life. I know you’ll have to much fun!

Coach Nikki is a yoga instructor ERYT200, an AFAA Certified Personal Trainer, a Mat Pilates Instructor and a Team Betty Rocker Coach!

Keep reading to find out more about the workout she has in store for you and why she loves it! 

Hey Rockstar Coach Nikki here! Today I am bringing you a new upper body and core workout. In this workout I use a pyramid format.  I love training this way as it is a great way to fatigue your muscles and  increase intensity.

For the resistance moves feel free to use dumbbells or household weighted objects such as water jugs or bottles, soup cans, wine bottles, or small pets (only kidding!). If you are looking to mix up your training a bit try using heavier objects on the short ends of the pyramid (beginning and end) and lighter objects in the middle.

I hope you enjoy the workout as much as I do. Now grab some water (gotta stay hydrated!) and let’s get to rocking!

Love having workouts you can do ANYWHERE, ANYTIME – and a well-designed plan to follow so you get the BEST RESULTS?  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Core Pyramids

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted Objects (dumbbells, water bottles, gallon jugs, etc) and an elevated surface.

Format: Begin with a 15 second round of move 1, followed by a 15 second rest move. Then a 30 second round of move 1, and a 15 second rest move followed by a 45 second round of move 1 and 15 seconds of the rest move. You will then go down the ladder, doing a 30 second and 15 second round of each move, also with 15 seconds rest. Repeat this format for each pyramid. 

Pyramid 1: 

Plank Walk Out to 4 Mountain Climbers to Push Ups 

  • Begin in a standing position with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Walk your hands out to a tall plank until your hands are stacked just below your shoulders. 
  • Brace your core and run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time for 4 repetitions.
  • From your tall plank position perform one push up. 
  • Brace your core and walk your hands back in towards your feet to stand and repeat (add one push up each time you come down). 
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table.

Rest: Standing Side Crunch

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and right arm raised.
  • While balancing on the left leg, drive the right elbow and knee together for an oblique crunch and then tap your toe back to the ground and repeat.

Pyramid 2: 

Triceps Dips

  • Come into a reverse table top facing away from your box or raised surface, with your hands behind you on the box.
  • Bend your knees and pull your shoulder blades down and back to engage between your shoulders. This will help keep your chest open and keep pressure off of your shoulders.
  • Keeping your body close to the box, bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down until your arms are close to 90 degrees and then press back up to your starting position.
  • MOD: The more you bend your knees, the easier this will be. You can also replace this with a tricep extension by taking a kneeling position holding a water bottle or weight overhead. Slowly lower the weight back behind your head and then press the weight back up to your starting position. (Be careful not to flare your elbows out). 

Rest: Russian Twist

  • Start in a seated position with your knees bent, feet on the ground, chest up tall and core engaged.
  • Slowly rotate your upper body from side to side and reach your hands toward the floor on either side.
  • Optional: Lift your heels off the ground and/or hold a weight or water bottle in your hands as you reach from side to side.

Pyramid 3:

Lateral Raise to Cross Cross Front Raise

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists. 
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and then raise the weights straight up and across your body to perform a cross body front raise. 

Rest: Plank Hold

  • Begin in a low plank position with your elbows on the ground, shoulders stacked over your hands and your core engaged.
  • Press your lower back slightly up toward the ceiling and hold for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Perform this move from your elbows and knees or on an elevated surface.

Pyramid 4: 

Chest Fly with Bridge Lift

  • Begin lying on your back on the ground and holding your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended and palms facing each other while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest. 
  • As you open your arms for the chest fly, press your heels into the ground and drive your hips to the ceiling and squeeze your glutes at the top.
  • Bring your arms back together over your chest and drop your hips back down to the ground. 
  • Reset your core and repeat.

Rest: Bicycle Crunch

  • Begin lying on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor and hands placed behind your head (not pulling your head forward).
  • Lift your chest slightly off the ground to contract your core and as you rotate your torso, bring your right elbow to your left knee.
  • Return to starting and repeat with your left elbow to right knee.
  • Optional: for a more difficult variation, extend your leg straight out rather than placing it back on the ground.
Today I celebrate 6 months since I started my journey with Bree…My point is: don’t be discouraged, changes take time, keep taking those pictures and you will see a difference. – Francesca Rock Your Life member

Pyramid 5:

Reverse Fly to Bent Row

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, gaze neutral, with your shoulders down and back so they’re not rounding forward and allow your weights to hang beneath your chest.
  • Perform a reverse fly by lifting both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. 
  • Return to center and perform a row by pulling the weights to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly bring the weights back beneath your chest and repeat those two moves back to back.

Rest: Slow Spider Climber to Squat Thrust Hold

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your core engaged, drive your right knee up to your right elbow to crunch your abs, return your right foot back to your starting position and repeat on the left.
  • From your tall plank, step or jump your feet in toward you hands, loading your weight in your heels and coming to a squat hold. 
  • Place your hands on the ground and then step or jump your feet back into your tall plank and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform this move on an elevated surface with your hands on the edge of a chair or table.

Pyramid 6:

Squat with Biceps Curl to Press and Knee Lift

  • Stand with your feet about hip distance apart, with your core engaged, holding a weighted object in each hand. 
  • Begin sending your hips back behind you, pulling your belly button in and up to engage your core, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
  • Power through your heels and posterior chain to return to standing and as you stand, perform a bicep curl by curling the weights to your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary. 
  • Once standing press the weights straight up overhead (be sure to keep your rib cage down and core engaged and to not arch your back). 
  • Bring your arms back down to starting position and repeat from the squat. 
  • MOD: Squat down to a couch or chair. 
  • Optional: During the press, drive one knee up toward your chest for an added core challenge and alternate which leg goes up each rep.

Rest: Standing Knee Lift with Rotation

  • Begin standing while holding one weighted object with both hands. 
  • Lift your left knee and rotate your torso to the left (similar to a Russian Twist) while contracting your abs and keeping your pelvis tucked and core engaged. 
  • Return to center, placing your foot back down to the ground and repeat on the right. Repeat back and forth for the allotted time. 

Pyramid 7:

Dolphin Push Ups

  • Begin in a low plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Shoot your hips up to the sky, pushing back into a down dog position while keeping your head in line with your arms. 
  • Push back into your plank position and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform this move on an elevated surface with your hands on the edge of a chair or table.

Rest: Low Plank Hip Twist

  • Begin in a low plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips flat, rotate your hips to the right to reach almost to the floor. 
  • Return to your starting position and repeat on the left side. 


Burpees (1:00)

  • Begin standing with your feet wider than hip distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders). Jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • Keeping your core engaged, bring your body all the way down to the ground until your chest and thighs touch the ground.
  • Powerfully press yourself back up to a tall plank position and then jump or step your feet back up towards your hands. 
  • Extend your hips back to a standing position and finish by jumping with your hands reaching toward the ceiling. 
  • MOD: Do this on an elevated surface and step your feet in and out for a lower impact movement.

Great job Rockstar! Thank you for making the choice to show up for yourself today. Be sure to check in below with me and Coach Nikki and let us know how you liked the workout!

We’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so we can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

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Total Upper Body Shred https://thebettyrocker.com/total-upper-body-shred/ https://thebettyrocker.com/total-upper-body-shred/#respond Mon, 31 Aug 2020 14:09:11 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5056787 Today’s workout will sculpt a strong back, chest, arms and shoulders giving you a total upper body shred....

The post Total Upper Body Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Today’s workout will sculpt a strong back, chest, arms and shoulders giving you a total upper body shred. It will challenge you, strengthen you and keep you motivated! 

You’ll be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers. If you’ve never worked out with her before, you’re going to have so much fun!

Plus she has great options for you so you can make this workout your own  – just follow along and she’ll show you how!

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

Keep reading for a special message from Coach Amanda below.

Hey Rockstar- Coach Amanda here!  Join me for one of my favorite types of training, resistance training, to build some strong sculpted muscles. While I love a good HIIT workout and combing both of these styles, I have a special love for just straight up resistance training and I’m excited to have you join me! So grab some dumbbells, water bottles or gallon jugs and lets get strong together!

Listen for the breakdown for different fitness levels and form cues so you know how to make each move right for where you’re at and keep working on your goals!

Great job with today’s workout! Now you need a plan to put workouts like this together in a complete sequence that will strengthen your entire body!  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Total Upper Body Shred

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted Objects (dumbbells, water bottles, books, etc).

Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds. Rest as needed. 

Superset 1: 

Move 1: Bear Crawl Shoulder Tap Walkouts (0:30 – 0:45)

  • Begin in a standing position with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Walk your hands out to a tabletop position with your knees hovering slightly above the floor, shoulders stacked over your hands and hips stacked over your knees.
  • Brace your core and bring one hand to touch the opposite shoulder and repeat on the other side. 
  • Brace your core and walk your hands back in towards your feet to stand and repeat. 
  • MOD: Perform this movement on an elevated surface or hold a stationary bear crawl plank.

Move 2: Tricep Roll Back Extensions (12-15) 

  • Start lying on the ground with a weight in each hand, your arms extended straight over your chest and your feet on the ground with knees bent.
  • Keeping the upper part of your arms still, bend both arms, lowering the weights toward your shoulders. 
  • When you touch your shoulders with your weights, shift your arms toward you to bring the entire weight flat to the floor. 
  • Keeping your elbow pointing toward the ceiling and not letting your elbow bow out, drive up with the weights to your starting position. (Focus on using your tricep rather than just locking out your elbow).

Move 3: Bradford Presses (8-10)

  • Begin standing with one weight in each hand in front of your shoulders with an overhand grip and your hands wider than shoulder width.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, drive the weights up until it’s a few inches above your head then lower the weights by bringing them behind your head until your elbows are at 90 degrees. 
  • Without pausing, reverse the movement to bring the weights back to the front. (Keep the weights in constant motion to maintain tension in your shoulders).
  • If your mobility doesn’t allow for this, perform overhead presses. 

Superset 2: 

Move 1: Single Arm Rows (12-15 each side) 

  • Hinge forward at the hips to be at 45 degrees, core engaged, gaze neutral, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and a weight in one hand, hanging beneath your chest.
  • Pull the weight to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Perform 3 rows and then perform 3 tricep kickbacks by kicking your arms straight back.
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat.

Move 2: Biceps Curl Rotations (6-8)

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat. 

Move 3: Hand Raise Push Ups (12-15) 

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged (no arched back).
  • Lower yourself toward the mat by bending your elbows and pointing them back behind you at a 45 degree angle, keeping your body straight and your shoulders away from your ears. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine.
  • Bring yourself all the way down to the ground and once you are flat to the ground, raise your hands briefly, place them back down on the ground and press back up to your starting position with your core engaged.
  • MOD: Perform the push up with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface but remembering to go all the way to the surface with your chest. Alternatively, remain on the mat, but in a kneeling, or single knee down position.
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Finisher Burnouts:

Format: Do as many reps as possible to failure.

I joined a few months ago and have been working out consistently with Bree and y’all since January. I took my first progress pics back in February and slowly but surely saw my body transform over the next six months.  – Jessica, Rock Your Life member.” 

Move 1: Biceps Curls

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat.

Move 2: Overhead Triceps Extensions

  • Begin in a standing position, holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position. 
  • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward.

Move 3: Lateral Raises 

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and weights in hand.
  • Keeping your ribcage down and core engaged, lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and leading with your shoulders and elbows rather than your wrists. 
  • Slowly bring the weights back down to your sides with control and repeat. 

Amazing job Rockstar! What was your favorite move? Check in with me and Coach Amanda and let us know – we love hearing from you!

We’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so we can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Total Upper Body Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Abs Smash https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-smash/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-smash/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 21:36:29 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5056298 Welcome back Rockstar! Today’s workout has everything you need to get an incredible sweat sesh and muscle burn!...

The post Upper Body and Abs Smash appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Welcome back Rockstar! Today’s workout has everything you need to get an incredible sweat sesh and muscle burn! We’ll be targeting our back, chest, biceps and abs primarily today – along with a little bonus shoulder strengthening.

While this workout is challenging, it can still be made low impact without losing any of its power. I take mods and low impact options when I start to burn out in my workout, or anytime I’m lacking energy but still want to move.

Do not tell yourself you’re failing or “not doing enough” because you’re doing a variation or mod. Showing up and doing YOUR workout is the right way to do the workout.

Listen to your body and support yourself as you progress. It’s not a competition, it’s a practice ❤

Grab some optional props – an exercise ball – or a pillow – and a pair of weighted objects  (water bottles, dumbbells, or any household items) and let’s smash this together!

Listen for the breakdown for different fitness levels and form cues so you know how to make each move right for where you’re at and keep working on your goals!

Did you enjoy this workout? Then you will LOVE the Superwoman Shred Challenge inside of Rock Your Life! The Superwoman Shred challenge is a super fun, high energy challenge that incorporates resistance training, supersets and barre workouts. If you are looking for increased flexibility, strength building, core work and intensity, you will love this one!


Upper Body and Abs Smash

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted objects (water bottles, dumbbells, etc) and an elevated surface.

Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds. Rest as needed.


Move 1: Squat Thrust (0:45-1:00)

  • Begin standing with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Step or jump your feet back to a tall plank position, keeping your core tight, back flat and gaze about 6 inches in front of you for a neutral spine.
  • Jump or step your feet back to your hands, loading your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up into a jump.
  • MOD: Perform this movement with your hands on an inclined surface, like a chair, couch or ottoman. You can also take the impact out entirely by stepping back and forth rather than jumping, and coming up to a body squat rather than a jump.

Move 2: Ball Roll Outs (Pillow Push) (10-12)

  • Begin kneeling in front of a stability ball (or pillow) with your knees hip-width apart and your hands placed on the ball in front of you.
  • Keeping your back flat and your core engaged, roll the ball away from you by extending as far out as you can without allowing your hips to drop.
  • Hold in your extended position for a second and then using your core, pull yourself back while rolling the ball to end back in your starting position.
  • MOD: If you don’t have a stability ball you can perform this same move using a pillow.

Vanilla Protein

Move 3: Biceps Curls (8-12)

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat.

Move 4: Elevated Chest Press (8-12)

  • Start lying with your upper back on an elevated surface (swiss ball, ottoman, pillows), legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Hold your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until they are just above your chest and your elbows out wide. 
  • Pause, and then press the weights back to the starting position and repeat. 

Move 5: Mountain Climbers (0:45-1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your shoulders stacked over your hands, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table.

Move 6: Pass Through’s (ball or pillow) (10-12)

  • Lie on your back with your core engaged and your exercise ball or towel/pillow between your feet. 
  • With your lower back pressed slightly into the mat and your legs bent or straight, bring your legs and arms together to transfer the ball into your hands.
  • Extend your body out by bringing your arms overhead and your legs straight out, all while keeping your lower back pressing into the mat. 
  • Reverse that movement by bringing your arms and legs back together to transfer the ball back to your feet. Repeat this movement back and forth. 
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent throughout this movement. 

Move 7: Wide Row (8-12)

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and weights in your hands hanging beneath your chest with your palms facing you.
  • Pull the weights out to the side and away from your body while squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat.

Awesome job Rockstar! Feel free to follow up this workout with some additional full body stretches. A flexible body is a STRONG body!

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

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Upper Body and Ab Sculpt https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-ab-sculpt/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-ab-sculpt/#respond Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:34:23 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5054635 Get ready to sculpt your upper body and abs with this super fun strength training workout! Today you...

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Get ready to sculpt your upper body and abs with this super fun strength training workout!

Today you will be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers!

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

She will take you through some of her favorite moves that will have you feeling so strong (and sweaty) by the end of this workout! Be where you’re at, listen to YOUR body and focus on your form!

Keep reading for a special message from Coach Amanda below.

I am so excited to bring you this awesome workout! Today, we are going to challenge ourselves outside of our normal style of training to stretch us both mentally and physically. I love switching things up and challenging my body in a way that it’s not used to.

While any movement is beneficial, when you do the same activity or workout all the time, your body gets used to it and becomes very efficient at that specific routine (like running the same distance, working in the same rep range, using the same weight, etc.)

When you change your pattern of movement, your body will have to work harder as it adjusts to that new activity, and in turn we become even more functional in our fitness.

So join me for this workout and let’s get stronger together!

Ready for more? I’ve got you covered! The Home Workout Domination program is perfect if you’re looking for a time-saving resistance training plan to do at home, at the gym, or on the road – it will torch body fat, and tighten and strengthen your legs, glutes, abs, and arms – total body domination!

Upper Body and Ab Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted objects (water bottles, dumbbells, etc).

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time, repetitions and rounds. Rest as needed.

Superset 1: 4 sets

Starter (1 Round): Low Plank Spider Climbers (:45)

  • Begin in a low plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, core engaged, and back flat.
  • Keeping your core engaged, drive your right knee up to your right elbow and crunch your abs. Return your right foot back to your starting position and repeat on the left and alternate back and forth.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface with your elbows on the edge of a chair or table.

Move 1: W Raises (:30) 

  • Begin standing with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and arms bent with your weighted objects in hand and pressed together. 
  • Using your shoulders, lift both arms out and up to the side while also externally rotating to end in a W position overhead (use your back muscles to pull your arms back in your finishing position). 
  • Slow and controlled, bring your arms back to center where your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle and your weights are pressed together.

Move 2: Hinged Row to Hang Curl (:40)

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and your weights in your hands and hanging beneath your chest with your palms facing each other.
  • Pull the weights to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Bring your arms back to center and perform a hanging hammer curl by curling the weighted objects to your shoulders (keep your palms facing each other).
  • Return to center and repeat those two moves back to back. 

Superset 2: 4 sets

Starter (1 Round): Russian Twists (:45)

  • Start in a seated position with your knees bent, feet on the ground, chest up tall and core engaged.
  • Slowly rotate your upper body from side to side and reach your hands toward the floor on either side.
  • Optional: Lift your heels off the ground and/or hold a weight or water bottle in your hands as you reach from side to side.

Move 1: Hinged Wide Row Pulse (:30) 

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and weights in your hands hanging beneath your chest with your palms facing you.
  • Pull the weights out to the side and away from your body and squeeze your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • While in this wide row position, bring your arms down and inch or two and then back up to perform a pulse. 
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat.

Move 2: Tricep Pushup (:40)

  • Come into a tall plank position, with your core engaged (no arched back) and hands 2-3 inches apart and stacked below your chest. 
  • Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down while keeping your shoulders away from your ears and your elbows shooting back behind you (keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down to maintain a neutral spine).
  • Keeping your body straight and your core engaged, press back up to your start position and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform the push up with your hands on the side of your couch or other elevated surface. Alternatively, remain on the mat, but in a kneeling, or single knee down position.
  • Use the Push-up Progression Tutorial to work your way through all the types of push ups.

Superset 3: 4 Sets

“16 weeks of Home Workout Domination (I did it twice). SAME WEIGHT – less inches! I’m moving on to Lioness, and I can’t wait to see my results!” -Theresa V.

Starter (1 Round): Dead Bugs (:45)

  • Lie face-up with your arms extended toward the ceiling, directly over your shoulders, and knees bent at 90 degrees over your hips, calves parallel to the floor.
  • Keeping your shoulders down and feet flexed, engage your core by pressing your lower back into the mat and extend your right arm and left leg away from you until straight out.
  • Bring your arm and leg back in and repeat with the other sides. 
  • MOD: Keep knees bent and touch your heel down to the mat instead of extending.

Move 1: Hinged Reverse Grip Row to Fly (:30)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and dumbbells in hand (palms facing in front of you).
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Pull the weights to your sides for a row while keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to your hanging position and with your palms still facing in front of you, kick your arms straight back by initiating at the base of your shoulder blades (your palms will end facing the floor).

Move 2: Biceps Curl to Lateral Raise (:40)

  • Begin standing, holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and then perform a lateral raise by raising your arms out to the sides, leading with your elbows and keeping your wrists and elbows in line. (Keep your shoulder blades pulled down and back throughout the lateral raise).
  • Return to your starting position and repeat back and forth. 

Bonus Abs: 2 sets 

(see form notes above)

  • Low Plank Spider Climbers (:30)
  • Russian Twists (:30)
  • Dead Bugs (:30)

Amazing job Rockstar! What was your favorite move? Check in with me and Coach Amanda and let us know – we love hearing from you!

If you like this style of workout, you’ll love Home Workout Domination, an 8-week combination of resistance training, explosive cardio, and yoga that you can rock out at home!

Check out Home Workout Domination right here!

The post Upper Body and Ab Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Arms, Back and Abs https://thebettyrocker.com/arms-back-and-abs/ https://thebettyrocker.com/arms-back-and-abs/#respond Mon, 22 Jun 2020 14:12:22 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5054155 It’s a great day to celebrate yourself with some movement Rockstar! Exercise will make you feel more energized,...

The post Arms, Back and Abs appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


It’s a great day to celebrate yourself with some movement Rockstar!

Exercise will make you feel more energized, confident and can even lower your stress levels.

Building a strong upper body is not only the key to an overall defined look, but it’s your best defense against pain, injury, and poor posture (1).

When we train opposing muscle groups (think back and core, biceps and triceps), it helps to create better alignment in our body and build a stronger, more balanced physique!

Today’s workout will focus on sculpting a strong back, toned arms and firm abs all at once!

Now grab some weighted objects (water bottles, laundry jugs, dumbbells) and an elevated surface if you have one and let’s smash this together!

Let me make healthy eating easy for you! Take my Eating Type Quiz!

Arms, Back and Abs

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, household objects or dumbbells) and an elevated surface (optional).

Format: Perform each movement for 1:00 and repeat entire circuit for 3 rounds.

Move 1: Bird Dog Crunch (1:00)

  • Begin in a kneeling tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your hands and your core engaged.
  • Extend your right arm and left leg, keeping your core engaged and not allowing your hips to rotate.
  • Bring your right elbow to meet your left knee below your body, coming into a crunch.
  • Do all reps on one side and then switch sides and repeat on the other side.
  • MOD: keeping both hands on the mat, extend just your leg behind you and crunch it in below your body.

Move 2: Biceps curls (1:00)

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your biceps (palms facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position and repeat.

Move 3: 2 Push Ups to 4 Mountain Climbers (1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged (no arched back).
  • Perform a push-up by lowering yourself down to the ground keeping your elbows pointing behind you, back flat, core engaged, and spine neutral.
  • Perform 2 pushups and then perform 4 mountain climbers by running your knees in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time from your tall plank position. 
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) and perform these movements in an incline position. 
  • Check out my Push-up Progression Tutorial for tips on perfecting form and building strength!

Move 4: Superwoman Lifts with Trap Activators (1:00)

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the mat together, using your lower back and glute strength.
  • As you lift your body off the mat, draw your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms, and lower both arms and legs back to the starting position.
  • MOD: Begin by isolating your upper body only, leaving your legs on the mat for stability. Perform several upper body isolated lifts. Then perform several lower body isolated lifts. Work on isolated upper and lower body lifts until you feel comfortable putting them together.

Move 5: Single Arm Plank Row to Cross Under Crunch (1:00)  

  • Begin in a tall plank position, with your hands stacked below your shoulders and your core engaged (no arched back).
  • Pull your right elbow up toward the ceiling while keeping your arm close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together. Return to your starting position. 
  • Keeping your hips down, bring your left knee in and across your body to the opposite elbow as far as you can and then back out.
  • Repeat this move with your left arm and right leg and repeat back and forth.
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) and perform this movement in an incline position.  

Move 6: Shoulder Strength Sequence (1:00)

  • Begin standing, holding one weighted object in each hand, arms by your sides and elbows flexed to 90 degrees.  
  • Keeping your arms flexed, laterally raise your arms so your elbows are in line with your shoulders and wrists in line with your elbows.
  • From that position, rotate your wrists to an upright position.
  • From this position, bring your arms in toward each other until they are parallel. Then press your arms straight up overhead. 
  • Reverse the movement back through the moves to the start position.
  • MOD: Perform this movement without any resistance or weighted objects to focus on form. Working your shoulder muscles against gravity alone can be challenging and you will feel these even with no weight at all!

Move 7: 3 Kickbacks to 3 Reverse Flyes (1:00)

  • Hinge forward at the hips to be at 45 degrees with your core engaged, shoulders down and back, and gaze neutral, allowing your weights to hang beneath your chest.
  • Keeping your elbows in close to your ribs, row both arms up and perform 3 tricep kickbacks by extending your arms straight back, contracting your triceps. Bring the weights back down to hang beneath your chest.
  • Brace your core and using your back muscles, smoothly lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows for 3 repetitions.
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat the 3 fly and 3 kickback combination.

Awesome job Rockstar! Feel free to follow up this workout with some additional full body stretches. A flexible body is a STRONG body!

Need some help with healthy eating? 

My 30-Day Challenge Meal Plan comes with a 4-week daily menu, healthy recipe cookbook, grocery lists and a bonus dessert cookbook so you can enjoy a totally balanced lifestyle!

Check out a day of my eating from this program!

There are so many delicious, easy and healthy recipes…

The 30 Day Challenge Meal Plan includes all the recipes and grocery lists for breakfasts, smoothies, sides, snacks and entrees for 4 full weeks – with plenty of delicious options and structure to help you eat right for YOUR life!

Check out everything included in the 30 Day Challenge Meal Plan right here, and let me make your life easier!


  1. Lee, Do Yun et.al. “Changes in rounded shoulder posture and forward head posture according to exercise methods.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2017. Web. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5684019/

The post Arms, Back and Abs appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Upper Body and Abs Circuits https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-circuits/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-circuits/#respond Mon, 01 Jun 2020 13:59:57 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5053543 Get ready to feel the burn with today’s 20-minute upper body and abs circuits! This workout incorporates a mix...

The post Upper Body and Abs Circuits appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Get ready to feel the burn with today’s 20-minute upper body and abs circuits!

This workout incorporates a mix of strength-training exercises and conditioning movements to spike your heart rate while also toning your upper body and core!

You’ll be working out with Coach Amanda from Team Betty Rocker – one of our amazing trainers. If you’ve never worked out with her before, you’re going to have so much fun and feel encouraged to focus on your strengths and give your best!

Coach Amanda is a NASM and NESTA Certified Personal Trainer, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, TRX Qualified Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach in Rock Your Life.

Keep reading for a special message from Coach Amanda below.

Coach Amanda here! This workout combines both upper body and core movements so you get a killer workout and build a strong core.

Our core is one of the most important parts of the body! Whether it’s playing sports, working out, balancing, walking or even standing, the necessary motions either originate in your core or move through it (1). So it’s safe to say a strong core leads to a strong life!

There was a time where I wanted a strong core so badly but I really didn’t want to do the classic sit ups and crunches.  Then I learned that you can incorporate core work into other muscle groups and get even better results!

That’s why I love sneaking core movements into my upper or lower body days so I can maximize my time and get stronger than ever! Today, we’re going to build strong, lean muscles all while improving our overall quality of life.

Let’s get it!

Great work with today’s workout! Now let’s get you a plan to put workouts like this together in a complete sequence that will strengthen your entire body!  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Upper Body and Abs Circuits

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment Needed: Weighted Objects (water bottles, household objects or dumbbells).

Format: Perform each move for the prescribed time and repeat for 3 rounds


Move 1: Burpee Variation (0:20)

  • Start in a standing position with your feet wider than hip distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and plant your hands on the floor or mat in front of you (hands stacked directly below shoulders) and jump or step your feet back into a tall plank position, holding your belly button in and up to keep your core engaged.
  • Keeping your core engaged, bring your body all the way down to the ground until your chest and thighs touch the ground.
  • Powerfully press yourself back up to a tall plank position.
  • Jump or step your feet back up towards your hands. 
  • Extend your hips back to a standing position and finish by jumping with your hands reaching toward the ceiling. 
  • MOD: Do this on an elevated surface and step your feet in and out for a lower impact movement. 

Move 2: Hinged Row to Fly (0:30)

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, core engaged, gaze neutral, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and weights in your hands, hanging beneath your chest.
  • Pull the weights to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together. 
  • Slowly lower the weights down and perform a fly with straight arms by raising the weights out to the sides into a T position, leading with your elbows and pulling from the base of your shoulder blades.
  • Come back to center and repeat a row and fly combo.

Move 3: Cross Cross Curl to Wide Curl (0:40)

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a cross body single arm bicep curl by curling the weight across your body and to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (palm facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement and repeat on the other side. 
  • Return to the starting position, externally rotate your arms, keeping your elbows by your sides to perform a wide bicep curl and return to your sides. 
  • Repeat those 3 curls back to back.


Move 1: Plank Up Down (0:20)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Brace your core and lower yourself down to your forearms, one at a time.
  • Bring your right arm back to a tall plank and then your left arm.
  • MOD: Perform this in a kneeling position or on an inclined surface. 

Move 2: Lateral Raise (0:30)

  • Stand with your core engaged, chest up, shoulders rolled back, and dumbbells in hand.
  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward, allowing your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Move 3: Alternating Toe Touch (0:40)

  • Lay flat on your back with your arms and legs extended, core engaged.
  • Use your abs to sit up as you reach your right arm and left leg to meet each other in a V sit position.
  • Slowly bring yourself back to a lying position and repeat with your left arm and right leg.
  • MOD: Keep your knees bent.


“About to wrap up #mfc2 day 30. I’ve gotten in the habit of working out everyday or almost everyday, which was what I wanted. Thinking rockstar reboot next? On to the next, excited to see the next changes!” – Kelsey, Rock Your Life Member

Move 1: Press to Knee Drive (0:20)

  • Begin standing, holding one weight with both hands at chest level with your arms bent.
  • Keeping your rib cage down and core engaged, press the weight straight up overhead. 
  • Slowly lower the weight back down and perform a knee drive on each side by bringing your right knee up and across your body as you bring your weight down and to the right while crunching your torso. 
  • Return to standing and repeat with the left side. 

Move 2: Overhead Triceps Extension (0:30)

  • Begin in a standing position, holding one weight overhead with both hands so your arms are straight overhead.
  • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being careful not to flare your elbows out too much.
  • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position. 
  • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward. 

Move 3: Renegade Row (0:40)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged, back flat, and shoulders stacked over your hands holding weighted objects.
  • Keeping your hips square to the ground and core engaged, perform a row with your right arm by pulling your elbow straight back along your body and squeezing the base of your shoulder blade. 
  • Slowly return your right arm back to the ground and repeat with your left arm.
  • Return to your tall plank and perform a push up by lowering yourself toward the mat while bending your elbows and keeping your body straight. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of you rather than looking up or down, to maintain a neutral spine. 
  • Press your body back up to your tall plank and repeat that sequence for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table, from a kneeling position, or remove the weights.

Burpee Finisher (0:45) 

  • See above description

So strong Rockstar! Check in below with me and Coach Amanda and let us know how you liked the workout and what move was your favorite!

We’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so we can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!


  1. “Understanding and improving core strength.” February 2019. Web. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/understanding-and-improving-core-strength-2018090414662

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Upper Body and Abs Blast https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-blast/ https://thebettyrocker.com/upper-body-and-abs-blast/#respond Wed, 06 May 2020 16:33:42 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5052859 Get ready to work your upper body and abs at home today with Coach Roz from Team Betty...

The post Upper Body and Abs Blast appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Get ready to work your upper body and abs at home today with Coach Roz from Team Betty Rocker! You’ll be getting an effective cardio with strength workout to tone and sculpt your arms, back and core.

Coach Roz is a NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified IIN Health Coach, PSA rated Figure Skating Coach and a Team Betty Rocker Coach. 

Her workout classes are super popular in Rock Your Life, our online home workout studio, and I’m excited to share this workout with you today!

Here’s a message from Coach Roz:

Hey Rockstars, Coach Roz here! I love this workout because it is the perfect mixture of strength and cardio which helps you tone and sculpt your muscles in a short amount of time! We will be adding in a few of my favorite ab exercises making this a perfect upper body workout.

For today’s workout you will need a set of weighted objects – water bottles, dumbbells, or any household items to add in some extra resistance. I hope you enjoy it!

Your next plan is waiting for you! Start a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life today and incorporate workouts like this in a complete and balanced plan that is fun, varied and gets results!

Upper Body and Abs Blast

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted objects (water bottles, dumbbells, etc); optional ankle weights.

Format: Perform each movement for the prescribed time/repetitions and repeat for 3 rounds. Rest as needed.


Move 1: Down Dog to Alternating Side Knee Crunch (0:30-1:00)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and your shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Press your hips back, keeping your head in line with your arms as you come into a down dog. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your palms, and your heels should reach toward the floor.
  • Shift back to your tall plank position, engaging your core and flattening your hips.  As you shift forward, smoothly bring your right knee out toward your right elbow for a side crunch. 
  • Return your leg back to start in your plank position and repeat the full movement, alternating each knee for a side crunch. 
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) or perform from a kneeling position.

Move 2: Reverse Fly to Row to Triceps Kickback (8-12)

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, gaze neutral, with your shoulders down and back so they’re not rounding forward and allow your weights to hang beneath your chest.
  • Lift both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly bring the weights back beneath your chest.
  • Pull the weights to your sides for a row, keeping your elbows close to the body and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together.
  • While in this row position perform a tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back.
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat the fly, row and kickback combination.

Move 3: Jack Punch (0:30-1:00)

  • Start standing with feet together and your hands close to your chest in a punching position.
  • Jump your feet out wide as you punch your right arm straight across your body. 
  • Jump your feet back together as you bring your arm back in and as you jump your feet back out, punch your left arm straight out. 
  • Repeat back and forth. 
  • MOD: Take out the jump and simply step your feet out one at a time while punching your arms out in front of you. 


I finished Make Fat Cry Challenge 2 today. I’m doing this for me! – Sarah N. Rock Your Life Member

Move 1: Russian Twist to Bicycle Feet (0:30-1:00)

  • Start in a seated position with your knees bent, feet on the ground, chest up tall and core engaged.
  • Slowly rotate your upper body reach from side to side for 4 repetitions.
  • Come back to center with your chest up tall and pump your legs out one at a time like pedaling a bicycle for 4 repetitions. 
  • MOD: Place your hands behind you on the ground for stability when you are pedaling your feet.

Move 2: Biceps Curl to Around the World (8-12)

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged.
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (palm facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position. 
  • With a slight bend in your elbow and your shoulders still pulled down and back, sweep your arms out and up around you to end overhead, using your shoulders to initiate this movement. 
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the biceps curl and around the world back and forth.

Move 3: Side Shuffle Squat Thrust  (0:30-1:00)

  • Begin in a high squat position with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, core engaged and weight back in your heels.
  • Laterally shuffle to the end of your mat, bend your knees and plant your hands just below shoulders. Step or jump back to a tall plank, keeping your core tight and back flat, gaze about 6 inches in front of you for a neutral spine.
  • Jump or step your feet back to your hands. Load your weight in your heels and use your momentum to power up to standing and ending in your starting high squat position.
  • With your knees bent, laterally shuffle to the other side and repeat.
  • MOD: Do this movement on an inclined surface like a chair or ottoman.

Amazing job Rockstar! 

Check in below with me and Coach Roz and let us know how you liked the workout and what move was your favorite!

Take your fitness to the next level – without having to leave your house!

Grab a 30-day Trial to Rock Your Life and get access to….

  • 5 new home workout classes a week for constant variety and fun! Drop in on your schedule – they’re all loaded right into your workout library!
  • Choose a workout from hundreds of home workout options by body part you want to train, how much time you have and workout style!
  • Take a 30-day Challenge complete with interactive calendar and daily email push to keep you on track!
  • Check in with us in your private support community and make new friends, plus get your questions answered by the coaches!

We’d love to welcome you and support YOUR journey!


The post Upper Body and Abs Blast appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Back, Abs and Arms Sculpt https://thebettyrocker.com/back-abs-and-arms-sculpt/ https://thebettyrocker.com/back-abs-and-arms-sculpt/#respond Mon, 06 Apr 2020 21:17:06 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5051652 Ready to sculpt and shape your abs, arms, and back in no time at all? This awesome workout...

The post Back, Abs and Arms Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Ready to sculpt and shape your abs, arms, and back in no time at all? This awesome workout will do just that!

For this fun 20-minute workout that you can do from home (or anywhere you are), you’ll be working out with Coach Roz, one of the amazing Team Betty Rocker coaches from Rock Your Life. If you’ve never worked out with her before you’re going to love her!

Coach Roz is a NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified IIN Health Coach, PSA rated Figure Skating Coach and a Team Betty Rocker Coach

Keep reading to find out more about the workout Coach Roz has in store for you and why she loves it!

Hey Rockstars, Coach Roz here! Upper body training is such an important part of building a strong and balanced physique.

I love this workout because it incorporates both strength and cardio, which really helps tone and sculpt your muscles while blasting body fat. We will be combining some of my favorite isolated movements into complex moves to really get that extra burn!

For today’s workout you will need a set of weighted objects – water bottles, dumbbells, or any household items to add in some extra resistance. I hope you enjoy it!

Great job with today’s workout! Now let’s set you up with a plan to put workouts like this together in a complete sequence that will strengthen your entire body!  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Back, Abs and Arms Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Equipment: Weighted Objects (water bottles, household objects, dumbbells)

Format: Perform each movement for 0:30 each and repeat for 3 rounds.

Move 1: Cross Body Mountain Climbers

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands.
  • Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest by driving your knee toward your opposite elbow and back out, one at a time.
  • MOD: Do this move on an elevated surface by placing your hand on the edge of a couch or table.

Move 2: 3 Bent Over Rows to 3 Triceps Kickback

  • Hinge forward at the waist to be at 45 degrees, core engaged, gaze neutral, chest up, shoulders rolled back and down, and weights in your hands, hanging beneath your chest.
  • Pull the weights to your sides while keeping your elbows close to the body, and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching the base of your shoulder blades together. 
  • Perform 3 rows and then perform 3 tricep kickbacks by kicking your arms straight back.  
  • Slowly lower the weights down again to the starting position and repeat.

Move 3: Sit Up Cross Punch

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the ground and lower back pressed gently into the mat.
  • Use your abdominals to sit yourself up and punch your arms one at a time across your body. 
  • Lower yourself back down with control until you are back in your starting position and repeat.

Move 4: Plank Walkout 

  • Begin in a standing position with your core engaged and chest up tall.
  • Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Walk your hands out to a tall plank until your hands are stacked just below your shoulders. 
  • Brace your core and walk your hands back in towards your feet to stand and repeat. 
  • MOD: Perform this on an elevated surface.
  • Optional Bonus Move: add in an optional push up from your tall plank position and a jump from your standing position. 

Move 5: Biceps Curl to Reverse Fly

  • Holding your weighted objects with your palms facing you, pull your shoulder blades back and down with your core engaged. 
  • Keeping the upper arms stationary, perform a bicep curl with both arms by curling the weight up to your shoulder while contracting your bicep (palm facing you). 
  • Reverse the movement to return to your starting position. 
  • Hinge forward at the waist with your shoulder back and down and perform a reverse fly by lifting both arms out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the biceps curl and fly back and forth.

Move 6: Swimmers 

  • Lie on your stomach with your core engaged and arms and legs extended.
  • Lift your right arm and left leg at the same time holding for 1-2 seconds and then alternate with your left arm and right leg. Repeat back and forth.
  • Keep a slight contraction in your lower back as you “swim” and keep your gaze in front of you so your neck isn’t straining or hyperextending up or down.

Amazing job Rockstar! 

Check in below with me and Coach Roz and let us know how you liked the workout and what move was your favorite!

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  • 5 new home workout classes a week for constant variety and fun! Drop in on your schedule – they’re all loaded right into your workout library!
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Day 2: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs and Upper Body Sculpt https://thebettyrocker.com/day-2-5-day-home-workout-challenge/ https://thebettyrocker.com/day-2-5-day-home-workout-challenge/#respond Tue, 24 Mar 2020 20:05:58 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5051252 Welcome back Rockstar! Ready to keep the momentum going with Day 2 of the 5-Day Home Workout Challenge? (If...

The post Day 2: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs and Upper Body Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Welcome back Rockstar!

Ready to keep the momentum going with Day 2 of the 5-Day Home Workout Challenge?

(If you haven’t done day 1 yet, you can find that here.)

Today we’ll be toning and sculpting our ABS and UPPER BODY with moves you can do at home! 

Here’s what you’ll need:

1. A little space to move

2. A chair or ottoman or step

3. Weighted objects: water bottles, water jugs, laundry jugs, or dumbbells

As always, I’ll walk you through form cues and modifications so you can be where you’re at and make it your own. Let’s do this!

Be sure to check in and let me know you completed today’s workout below – and share this challenge with your friends and family!

Let’s talk about SLEEP.

It’s #1 on my list, especially right now, because of the impact it has on helping us recover from stress, our workouts and renew ourselves for each coming day.

For a great read, check out How to Sleep for a Leaner, Longer, Healthier Life!

If you wanted to choose which of the 4 Pillars of Health to focus on the most, this would be the one I would optimize EVERY TIME, which is why I am SO excited to announce that my newest supplement Whole Sleep is now available for you!

Whole Sleep is a blend of 9 herbs and organic compounds that support your body’s natural sleep cycle – working with your body to promote GABA, the neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation – and serotonin, the hormone that promotes a feeling of calm and well-being.

It will help you fall asleep – and stay asleep – so you wake up refreshed and energized, and ready to ROCK your day without the after effects commonly associated with sleeping pills.

Learn more about each ingredient in Whole Sleep, and see if this would help you right here.

Abs and Upper Body Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Format: Perform 3 rounds for the prescribed amount of time and reps. Rest as needed. 

Move 1: Cactus Arms (bridge hold) (0:45-1:00)

  • Come down to your mat, back is flat to the ground pressing your low back into the floor, core engaged with your knees bent.
  • Bring your arms to an upright 90 degree angle position, pressing your shoulders and elbows into the floor.
  • Slide your arms as far upward as you can while maintaining elbow and shoulder contact with the ground.
  • Slowly slide back down to 90 degrees and repeat.
  • Pro Tip: Add a bridge hold by pressing your heels into the floor, squeeze your glutes, keep your core tight and lift your hips up into the air and hold. 

Move 2: Plank Walk Out to Knee ins/side knees (5-7)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with your core engaged and shoulders stacked over your hands
  • Brace your core and bend your left leg, bringing your knee into your chest and back out. Repeat on the right side.
  • Then bring your left knee to the outside of your left arm and back. Repeat on the right side.
  • Begin to run your legs and go a little bit faster while keeping your core engaged.
  • MOD: Do this on an inclined surface.

Share this image once you complete today’s workout!

Move 3: Cross Cross Squat Press (0:45-1:00)

  • With your weighted objects in hand, bring them up to a 90 degree angle at your shoulders with your palms facing out.
  • Engage between the shoulders slightly to hold them in the correct neutral position (so they’re not rounded forward).
  • Stand with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, engage your core and shoot your booty back behind you as though you were going to sit on a chair – keeping the weight in your heels and chest up.
  • Power through your heels to a standing position.
  • Drive your right knee up and across your midline, rotating your torso as you bring your left elbow to meet your knee; repeat on the other leg.
  • Then add a overhead press by pressing the weight up and over head with your palms facing out.
  • Repeat the squat to cross- cross and press. Only squat as deeply as you can comfortably go without bending forward at the waist.
  • MOD: Squat down to a chair and do this bodyweight only.

Move 4: Chair Sit Row to Biceps Curl to Kickback (8-12)

  • Stand tall, feet hip distance apart and weighted objects at your side.
  • From here, engage your core and gently bring your shoulders slightly back and down to counterbalance any pulling forward on your shoulders the extra weight may instigate. Hinge forward to 45 degrees, sending your hips back slightly.
  • Keeping your elbows close to your ribcage, engage between your shoulder blades to pull your elbows up to your side into a row.
  • Once you’re in your row position, extend the weights out behind you allowing your palms to rotate up toward the ceiling. With control, lower the weight down again to the starting position and come back to standing.
  • From here, keeping your arms close to your body, do a biceps curl. Bring your arms back down and repeat.
  • MOD: Do this with no weight at all.

Move 5: Slow Wide Step burpees

  • Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart, core engaged.
  • Bend your knees into a squat, plant your hands on the floor inside your feet and step your feet back into a tall plank position (hands stacked directly below shoulders).
  • Perform a pushup and return to a tall plank position.
  • Step your feet back up, as you come back to standing, power up to a squat.
  • MOD: Drop to your knees in the pushup or do on an incline surface like a bed or chair.

I’d love to see YOU inside Rock Your Life…

…so I can support you in ROCKING your body AND your life! Get stronger and healthier with a community of rockstars to support you, home workout challenges for a fit body, and fresh new workout classes each week to keep you motivated!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!

The post Day 2: 5 Day Home Workout Challenge – Abs and Upper Body Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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Tabata-Toned Abs and Upper Body https://thebettyrocker.com/tabata-toned-abs-and-upper-body/ https://thebettyrocker.com/tabata-toned-abs-and-upper-body/#respond Tue, 11 Feb 2020 14:58:12 +0000 https://thebettyrocker.com/?p=5048660 Hey Rockstar! We’re getting into some Tabatas today – an incredibly effective and efficient workout style that offers...

The post Tabata-Toned Abs and Upper Body appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


Hey Rockstar! We’re getting into some Tabatas today – an incredibly effective and efficient workout style that offers us maximum benefits in a short amount of time.

You’ll be working out with Coach Nikki, one of the amazing Team Betty Rocker coaches from Rock Your Life.  She’ll have you targeting your upper body and core to get an awesome fat-burning, strength building workout in less than 20 minutes.

Coach Nikki is a yoga instructor ERYT200, an AFAA Certified Personal Trainer, a Mat Pilates Instructor and a Team Betty Rocker Coach!

Keep reading to find out more about the workout she has in store for you and why she loves it!

Coach Nikki here!  There are two things I really love and that’s strength training and working out using a stability ball. The stability ball adds a whole new level of challenge to any workout by causing the muscles to fire in a new way in order to maintain your balance!

While using short intervals in a Tabata style of 0:20 seconds maximum effort with 0:10 rest periods, I designed this workout to give you an opportunity to focus on your upper body strength, to challenge your core, and have FUN!

For today’s workout you will need a set of weighted objects – dumbbells or water bottles- and a stability ball (if you have one). If you don’t, no worries – you can do these moves without one – I’ll show you how. I hope you enjoy it! 

Great work with today’s workout! Now you need a plan to put workouts like this together in a complete sequence that will strengthen your entire body!  Take a 30-day Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Tabata-Toned Abs and Upper Body

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions.

Format: Perform each move 0:20 seconds of maximum effort with 0:10 rest periods, alternating move 1 and move 2.

Tabata One

Move 1: Chest Press

  • Start lying with your upper back on the ball, legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Hold your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until they are just above your chest and your elbows out wide. 
  • Pause, and then press the weights back to the starting position and repeat. 
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.

Move 2: Chest Fly

  • Start lying with your upper back on the ball, legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Hold your weights straight over your chest with your arms extended and palms facing each other while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows, open your arms out wide, stopping when your elbows are in line with your chest. 
  • Brace your core and bring your arms back together over your chest and repeat. 
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.

Optional Rest Move: Hip Thruster 

  • Begin with your back positioned on your ball with legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Slowly bring your booty down gently toward the floor for a quick touch and then bridge yourself back up by pressing your heels into the floor, squeezing your glutes and keeping a tight core.
  • Drop your booty back down and repeat.
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.
  • Pro Tip: Add weight to your hip crease to add resistance.

Tabata Two

Move 1: Skull Crusher

  • Start lying with your upper back on the ball, legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Hold your weight straight over your chest with your arms extended while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • Bend your elbows, lowering the weight toward the top of your head while the upper arm remains perpendicular to the body.
  • Reverse the movement until the weight is held above the chest in the starting position again and repeat. (Try not to lock out your elbows at the starting position; instead, stop just shy of locked position to maintain tension in your muscle.)
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.

Move 2: Lat Pullover 

  • Start lying with your upper back on the ball, legs bent and heels planted firmly. 
  • Hold your weight straight over your chest with your arms extended while bracing your core, and engaging your glutes.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows, slowly extend your arms and the weight behind your head until your arms are by your ears.
  • Pause and return to the starting position and repeat. 
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.

Optional Rest Move: Core Crunch

  • Lie on a Swiss Ball with your lower back curvature pressed against the spherical surface of the ball in full extension. Your legs should be bent at the knee with your feet pressed firmly against the floor. Arm resting on the back of your head.
  • Flex the waist by contracting the abdominals bringing your chest forward into a crunch to feel the contraction on your abdominals.
  • Let your body roll back out into full extension to be back into the starting position.
  • MOD: Lie on the floor instead of the Swiss Ball.

Tabata Three

Move 1: Single Arm Biceps Curl to Overhead Press

  • Seated on your ball, begin holding your weighted objects at your sides. Engage between the shoulders slightly to hold the shoulders in the correct neutral position (so they’re not rounded forward).
  • Perform a bicep curl by curling your weight up toward your shoulder, palms facing up. 
  • Perform an overhead press by pressing the weight up and over head with your palm facing out.
  • Bring the weight back down and repeat. 
  • MOD: Perform this move standing instead of the Swiss Ball.
  • Pro Tip: Lift the opposite leg slightly off the ground to challenge your balance and core strength.

Move 2: Seated Hinged Wide Row

  • Seated on your ball or a chair, hinge forward at the waist to be at a 45 degree angle. Engage your core, roll your shoulders back and chest up, with weights in each hand allowing them to hang and keeping your gaze neutral.
  • Row the weight back by pulling your elbows out wide and squeezing your back muscles like you’re pinching your shoulder blades together. 
  • Slowly lower the weight down again to the starting position and repeat.
  • MOD: Perform this move standing instead of the Swiss Ball.

Optional Rest Move: Squat Pulse

  • In a seated position on the ball, power through your heels to lift yourself slightly off the ball but not so much that you are standing, and sit back down gently. 
  • This should be more of a squat pulse than a full squat.
  • MOD: Perform this move standing instead of the Swiss Ball.

Tabata Four

Move 1: Lat Pull-ins

  • Position yourself in a kneeling position with your arms extended and forearms on the Swiss Ball.
  • With your core engaged, press your forearms into the ball firmly and pull your elbows in close to your sides while squeezing through the base of your shoulder blades. 
  • Keeping an engaged back the whole time, pull the ball all the way into your body, pause and press the ball back out and repeat. 
  • MOD: Lie on your stomach on the floor and do the same movement but without the ball. 

Move 2: Push Up to Jackknife

  • Place your hands flat against the ground directly under your shoulders and extend your legs out behind you so you’re on your toes (or knees for modification) – see my push up progression tutorial here.
  • Perform a push-up by lowering yourself to meet the ground, back flat, core engaged, and spine neutral.
  • Push back up to your tall plank position and then perform a knee tuck by jumping your knees into your chest and then back out. Perform a push up and repeat.
  • MOD: Place hands on an elevated surface (chair, couch) and perform an incline pushup and then add in a mountain climber. Keeping your hips down, run your knees into your chest and back out by pulling each knee in as far as you can and then back out, one at a time.
  • Pro Tip: Position yourself in a push up position with your legs elevated on a Swiss Ball for the push up and knee tuck.

Optional Rest Move: Sumo Jack 

  • Perform a jumping jack while holding a Swiss Ball in your hands and squatting down slightly when bringing the ball down. (Legs should be in sumo stance when you are touching the ball to the ground.)

Great job Rockstar! I’m so proud of you for showing up for yourself today.

Be sure to check in below with me and Coach Nikki and let us know how you liked the workout and what move was your favorite!

How about new workouts to do daily, from anywhere?

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

…in my epic home gym that has new classes every week, 30-day Challenges to keep you on track with a program, your own personal workout library, over 300 healthy recipes, an exclusive support group, access to the Team Betty Rocker coaches, and so much more!

Take it for a Test Drive with a 30-Day Trial!



The post Tabata-Toned Abs and Upper Body appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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